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Kids of Catan

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I've never played any of the Catan games but dh and I are going to buy the regular Settlers... game and give it a try. I'm wondering about including my littles (3+) and would like to know if the Kids of Catan game is worth getting too? Do your little kids enjoy it and ask to play this version or should I save my money and wait until they are old enough to play the regular version?

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We haven't done Catan because it takes more than 2 players, but my DD started playing simplified versions of Carcassone (with us just modifying the rules as needed) at about age 3-4, and plays the full game now at age 6. We've done this with all board games-no kid's game version has had the interest and staying power of the "Adult" games, and it's not hard to tweak it so that it works for her.

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We haven't done Catan because it takes more than 2 players, but my DD started playing simplified versions of Carcassone (with us just modifying the rules as needed) at about age 3-4, and plays the full game now at age 6. We've done this with all board games-no kid's game version has had the interest and staying power of the "Adult" games, and it's not hard to tweak it so that it works for her.


Yep. I'd include a copy of Carcassone in with your order and start your kids on that game instead of a Kids of Catan. As a bonus, it's a game you and your DH will enjoy also.

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We got the "Simply Catan" game, and R has been playing since she was 4 but gets a lot more into it now at 6.5. It transitions easily to the regular Catan, so basically you get the full game anyway. The only concern I have is that we haven't tried any of the expansion sets (except the fish), so I don't know if they'd fit (fish works fine, though). We decided against Kids of Catan because we thought they'd outgrow it too quickly to be worth the cost.

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