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If you were my coffemaker insert, where would I have put you?

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I have looked and looked. I cannot find the essential piece of my coffeemaker that makes it possible to use K-cups (individually portions of coffee).


I don't know if my three-year-old took off with it or not. I've asked several times over the last three days and his answer hasn't changed. But, if my three year old took it, where might it be?


Or should I just assume it somehow, unbeknownst to me, fell in the garbage? (:crying:) It was sitting on the counter over the garbage can.


I have the slight impression that perhaps I put it someplace that made sense at the time, but doesn't occur to me now.


I don't lose things like this. I don't. So I'm at a total loss.


I'm also craving some wonderful Keurig coffee.


Where, oh, where should I look?

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I didn't do it!!! :eek: ;) I need to change a filter in mine, and I have no clue where to find the piece to put in while the filter is out. I don't even know where to find a filter to change it! I don't know where the book is for the coffee machine that might explain all this stuff even!


I think I'm worse off than you are! Or at least equal to---so don't feel bad! :D

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I have looked and looked. I cannot find the essential piece of my coffeemaker that makes it possible to use K-cups (individually portions of coffee).


I don't know if my three-year-old took off with it or not. I've asked several times over the last three days and his answer hasn't changed. But, if my three year old took it, where might it be?


Or should I just assume it somehow, unbeknownst to me, fell in the garbage? (:crying:) It was sitting on the counter over the garbage can.


I have the slight impression that perhaps I put it someplace that made sense at the time, but doesn't occur to me now.


I don't lose things like this. I don't. So I'm at a total loss.


I'm also craving some wonderful Keurig coffee.


Where, oh, where should I look?


sandbox, bathtub, toy bin, laundry basket, garbage can, do you have floor vents?

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In the cabinet over the fridge,

in the "junk" drawer,

in "The Abyss" (our downstairs storage closet),

maybe under the bathroom sink

or in the toy box.








Bottom of the dishwasher, under the rack?




It's in a drawer. :)


Oh, Pam, I wish you were right. I've looked in all the kitchen drawers to no avail. I'll check again...


It's probably under my 6yo's bed. I'll go ask her to take a look... ;)


Would you, please? I'm dying here...:)




toy bin,

laundry basket,

garbage can,

do you have floor vents?


Haven't checked




checked (which was really icky!)

yes, checked the most accessible ones


Thank you for your sympathies ladies. Dh doesn't get it.


I'm going to make dh look with me tonight. I have a feeling it won't be cheap to replace since there isn't even any information about replacing them on the website. If we don't find it tonight, I'm going to contact the company and ask for a replacement.

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Well, I'm sure this is very little consolation to you at the moment, but the surest way of finding the insert IS to call the company and order a replacement! :D


We did this with the charger for our digital camera. We searched for weeks and were finally convinced that 2yo threw it in garbage. Ordered new one, it came in 2 weeks and 2 days later, we found the old charger... in the midst of the childrens' toys on their train table. :glare:

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I'm going to make dh look with me tonight. I have a feeling it won't be cheap to replace since there isn't even any information about replacing them on the website. If we don't find it tonight, I'm going to contact the company and ask for a replacement.


If it's a Keurig, it's $15 to replace it. And you might be able to find it at Bed Bath and Beyond. They have pods galore and sell all the different units (brands, I mean), so the adapter will probably be close by.

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