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TOG Question: Answer Key


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The Teacher Notes contain not only detailed information about each week's subjects and lessons so you can learn along with your students, they also include the answer keys to all the student activity assignments. I have found this section of each of the lesson plan guides to be very thorough and complete.


If you haven't done it yet, please download the free three week sample from YR-1. You'll get a good feel for how it all works by doing so.




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They have the world book section in the teacher's notes. Then they have a section where you lead the discussion which may or may not follow the child's questions exactly. There isn't a sheet that shows what the exact answers for the questions the students have for history. ( There are for literature.) I just look over and make sure they have tried to answer the questions in a reasonable manner before we start the discussion. I use a completetion grade. Then I follow the discussion guide. I think it works well.



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They have the world book section in the teacher's notes. Then they have a section where you lead the discussion which may or may not follow the child's questions exactly. There isn't a sheet that shows what the exact answers for the questions the students have for history. ( There are for literature.) I just look over and make sure they have tried to answer the questions in a reasonable manner before we start the discussion. I use a completetion grade. Then I follow the discussion guide. I think it works well.




I found detailed answers for every question - the Literature, Thinking and Accountability and Discussion questions in my Teacher Notes. :confused:

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I found detailed answers for every question - the Literature, Thinking and Accountability and Discussion questions in my Teacher Notes. :confused:


I am confused as well. I have all the answers to, except for LG for which there are no history questions since you are reading aloud to the student, there are answers to the literature worksheets. Is this a specific year plan Christine? I know a major update is underway for Y1.

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Which years have been redesigned? And how do you know which you are purchasing?


I am really interested in TOG I am just worried that it may be to overwhelming and add too much extra stuff for me to do.


The question is will it be less work than my current procedure. I will have 6 grade levels next year. I just don't think I can handle planning 6 different lesson plans/curriculum without using something like TOG.

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I'm not even close to being there so maybe I have this way wrong. :tongue_smilie: I would describe it more as "suggested" answers. Some things have specific right and wrongs but TOG is meant to be used with Socratic discussion. The questions are a lead off point to think and make connections, not be right or wrong. Check out this recent blog post. It is titled Homeschooling in Hard Times but at the third bullet point this is discussed.


All of the years have been redesigned but Year 1 is undergoing a "major update." I believe that will be done by next fall. I think you will find the whole post I linked above helpful.

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I found detailed answers for every question - the Literature, Thinking and Accountability and Discussion questions in my Teacher Notes. :confused:


I only have exact answers for the literature SAP's - the history Accountability Questions and Thinking Questions have required digging and searching through the teacher's notes.

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I only have exact answers for the literature SAP's - the history Accountability Questions and Thinking Questions have required digging and searching through the teacher's notes.


:iagree: This is a huge reason that TOG became too much work for me. (Although I know many, many others love it and use it successfully.) I used redesigned Year One. Maybe the other years provide all of the answers for everything.

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Okay, I found the tests and quiz samples...I think my eyes are getting crossed, so much to absorb.


I do have one more question....just curious. Does anyone create their own tests? This may sound nuts but I think my older kids are going to hate having to write their answers out.


I do believe that my DC have gotten lazy due to SOS and Lifepacs multiple choice tests. I know I will have much protest over written answer tests.


Anyone dealing with that issue?

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Year 1 was the worst with dialectic level. ( I didn't do rhetoric.) At first I was expecting us to just go down their questions and they tell me the answers. And so were they!!! But that isn't how TOG works. They want to use the socratic method and NOT I ask a question and you parrot the answer. They are supposed to use what they learned by answering those questions to answer new questions actually using that material. (I'm not sure I'm explaining it well.) They have a whole sheet somewhere about how to do the socratic method. Oh, their new training video about it was AWESOME. They showed how to do it. I got the Foundational session disc when it was half price and it is AWESOME. One of them was socratic discussions. I haven't had a chance to watch all of them yet. This summer!! Anyway, after that first year, the kids quit asking about whether a specific point was on the map or what this specific answer was. I glance over their questions to see that they attempted them. that's it. I will say that each year, though, it seems to be better as far as answering more of the questions especially since we moved up to rhetoric.


Now the Evaluations CD does have all of the answers. Yes, I have made my own tests. In fact, I am taking the rhetoric quizes for weeks 28-31 and fashioning them into a test. That said, I normally make my tests: identify, short answer, and essay. If you join the Tapestry yahoo group for your year you will often find tests people have created. I know the first few years I used some mulitple choice ones that people created.


The files are also good about timelines. I think it was year 2 yahoo group that someone had a template with the years on it and I printed it out for a notebook. Then each week there were timeline figures to print out. I found the figures in all of the yahoo groups. ( A great timesaver.) Timeline didn't happen my first year, but it did with those. I print them out and put them in their workbooks.


I hope that helped.



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