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which Latin after Lively Latin 1(besides LL2)

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First Form is age-appropriate & I've read good things on these forums about it. Some (lots?) have not liked Latina Christiana but have liked the "Forms" series so far. There will eventually be four "Forms." They are Henle I broken into four manageable chunks. You can do a "form" in a year which is recommended for 7th/8th or do two forms per year (recommended for 9th & up).


Good luck!

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  • 8 months later...

Oldest is doing Latin Prep (only the books, no video) and Cambridge reader.


Latin Alive was our plan, but dd doesn't do well learning from videos. She is a serious reader and also doesn't like super colorful books as she finds them distracting. Latin Prep has very clear instructions and she is doing it all on her own. She reads the teacher book (which has a copy of the student text, so you don't need to buy that), then does the workbook. I bought her the vocab cards for review and I correct all her work with the answer key.


Then on Thursday I have her do a passage from the Cambridge text, so it keeps it more fun.



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