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I could be wrong, but I don't think we ever learned a full list of owners. Antioch (I think?) Peverell was the first owner (or creator) of the wand, but I don't think the wizard who took it from him was ever named. It belonged to a few notorious wizards like Emeric the Evil (I think), but it eventually fell into the hands of the wand maker Gregorovitch. Gellert Grindelwald stole the wand from Gregorovitch. Dumbledore won the wand from Grindelwald when he beat him in the duel. Draco Malfoy became the owner of the wand when he used "Expelliarmus" to take it from Dumbledore (even though Malfoy never actually physically had the wand). And when Harry took Draco's wand at Malfoy Manor, he became the owner of the wand.

(If you aren't talking about Harry Potter, I am going to be so embarrassed.)

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One of the Three Brothers - then various folk, then Gregorivich (sp?) the wandmaker - until Grindelwald (sp?) stole it from him, only to have Dumbledore win it off him .... then Draco disarmed Dumbledore so HE really was master of it (w/o knowing it) although the wand ended up buried with D. until V took it off the corpse...but since Harry had taken Draco's wand from him by force he was master of Draco's wand...apparently also then the Elder wand .... now I am confused!

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Anti-spoiling, anti-whinging charm:




Gah. I hated that book.


Le sigh...


Ok, after Dumbledore's death, the owner of the death stick is Draco because he disarmed Dumbledore. I guess wands are little tarts who just give their alliance to whoever casts the biggest expeliarmus.


Voldy thinks it is Snape because he assumes that if Snape killed Dumbledore he must have also disarmed him. Snape doesn't correct him in order to save Draco.


Somehow, by Harry's disarming of Draco (at Malfoy manor) Harry becomes the master of the wand. That is the case even though the wand that Harry takes from Draco isn't the elder wand. That is the case even though Voldy actually holds the elder wand. Confusing, no?


Yes, this makes NO BLOODY SENSE. If wands change alliance all the time depending on disarming, why have a dueling club in your school? Wouldn't that lead to all kinds of problems? I can think of so many other issues from this whole wand thing.


The whole thing was concocted by Dumbldore with the idea that Harry would face Voldy as master of all three of the Deathly Hallows. He would have the cloak, the stone and the death stick. I personally think Dumbldore was fine with Harry killing Snape to become master of the wand.


Great. Now I am in a bad mood. I am really bothered by that book. :glare:

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Ok. We mostly know how the wand found its way to Dumbledore. So, Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore near the end of book 6. At that point, Malfoy became the owner of the Elder Wand. The Elder Wand passes from one wizard to another through force. Even though Malfoy did not physically possess the Elder Wand, the Wand recognized him as its owner. Now, during the scene in the Malfoy mansion, Harry disarms Malfoy. At that point, even though Malfoy did not physically possess the Elder Wand, the Elder Wand recognized Harry as its owner. Voldemort took the wand from Dumbledore's tomb, and it kinda worked for him, but since he did not take it my force, the Wand did not recognize him (Voldemort) as its owner. Got it?



Now that I have totally geeked out, I have to go do something really cool. Or, I can just go into town and purchase DH!

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Only the Elder Wand changes allegiance when its owner is bested, not every wand. When they beat Bellatrix LeStrange and took her wand, it wouldn't function correctly for Hermione.


No. It's any wand.


Hermione didn't disarm Bellatrix. Ron actually disarmed Belatrix when he burst out of the cellar at Malfoy Manor. He then hands it to Harry. Look in Chapter 23.


In the following chapter "shell cottage' Olivander explains a bit of wand lore and tells Harry that "the conquered wand will usually bend it's will to the new master" Harry then asks if this holds true for all wands and Olivander tells him, "I think so."

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