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Weekly Report May 3rd-9th

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It looks like everyone had a LOT of fun!


My report this week:


Our books are in boxes except what we are using presently and what we'll use in the next two months. Our house is slowly turning into a storage unit for boxes. :( We have done intermittent school this week, not enough to "report" about. Reading, math and more reading in history, science and poetry. We had dinner this week with Wandering Wheels, a group of people who bicycle across the US from California to Brunswick GA yearly.

Experiments and projects are on a "if we can do it" basis until I'm satisfied that I've packed the house enough. We have painters coming the first week of June so that the house needs to be packed by then. I hope to have the entire house packed by the last week of this month and spend the rest of the time deep cleaning.


I turned in our last attendance form this month, as of today we have officially done 182 days of school. We are not done though. :)


Today I'm fighting the urge to jump in the car and drive 2-3 hours away to visit a few museums we haven't explored yet. With dd7 and ds3, I'm just not sure if they would enjoy it and if it's worth driving 2-3 hours away to take them. I know dd7 would enjoy it, ds3 is another matter. Plus, the cost of gas- still the urge is there to run away for a little bit.

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Mine's up, my last two posts describe our week. We weren't home much, I was dealing with some medical issues this week, but we did some great bean mosaics for a history/art project. Then our green hour challenge post has more garden pictures like my Wordless Wednesday this week.

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