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s/o kid sleep - Adult sleep

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I am tired all.the.time. I never feel rested after a night's sleep. I think the problem is the fact that I dream so much at night and I remember a lot of those dreams. My dreams are so vivid, active and often strange. I wake up a lot from dreams which is how I remember them so well. I wonder if I'm not getting into a deep sleep for long enough.


How can I stop this? Our room is dark and quiet. I don't usually have trouble falling asleep.


My dreams are extremely entertaining but I really want to sleep well. I have felt rested in the morning but those are the days I can't remember my dreams.


Any ideas?



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I am tired all.the.time. I never feel rested after a night's sleep. I think the problem is the fact that I dream so much at night and I remember a lot of those dreams. My dreams are so vivid, active and often strange. I wake up a lot from dreams which is how I remember them so well. I wonder if I'm not getting into a deep sleep for long enough.


How can I stop this? Our room is dark and quiet. I don't usually have trouble falling asleep.


My dreams are extremely entertaining but I really want to sleep well. I have felt rested in the morning but those are the days I can't remember my dreams.


Any ideas?



Sleep Apnea?

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Do you go straight from TV or the computer, to bed? I find if I don't "wind down" before bed I wake up overstimulated in the morning.


Meditation can be useful, or having a bath, to help slow down the mind and help it let go of the day, before drifting into sleep. I notice the quality of my sleep is much deeper and more restful when I am relaxed before I fall asleep, rather than still a bit wired. Going from "busy" to bed is not good for me. I need a transition period.

Also, meditation is a way to sit and let your subconscious tell you stuff, so it doesn't have to do it in your sleep, through dreams.

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If you are remembering your dreams you are waking up during them. Apnea is worse in REM or your dream state due to the paralysis of your muscles and is worse as the night goes on. Weight has little bearing on apnea and really do does snoring. You could also have plms which would cause a bad night sleep and freq arousals.

Taking a sleep aid with apnea is not wise. Get a sleep test

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I agree with apnea as well. Go for a sleep study.


I always assumed if it were sleep apnea I would startle awake. It is usually a gentle waking. Hmmm, I might look into a sleep study. My mom did one and she does have sleep apnea but her snoring has always been horrible. I don't snore unless I have a cold.



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I always assumed if it were sleep apnea I would startle awake. It is usually a gentle waking. Hmmm, I might look into a sleep study. My mom did one and she does have sleep apnea but her snoring has always been horrible. I don't snore unless I have a cold.




My 14yo was diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea a couple of years ago. She is tiny, 5 foot nothing and weighs about 90 pounds. Her tonsils and adenoids didn't look enlarged. She snored, but no always. Her main symptoms were late bedwetting (she said she used to dream she was watering her vegetable garden :lol:) and lack of growth during late childhood. She would wake would in weird positions...at the end of the bed or hanging off one side. Sleep apnea can look different in different people.

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