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Poll: S/O How often do you eat dinner with your children?

How often do you eat dinner together as a family?  

  1. 1. How often do you eat dinner together as a family?

    • Everyone who is home eats dinner together at the table almost every night
    • 5-6 days/week
    • 3-4 days/week
    • 1-2 days/week
    • My husband works late, so I eat with the children on a regular basis
    • We rarely or never sit at the table together for dinner even when we're home
    • Other

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We eat together as a family every single night. If my DH has to work late, I still sit with the kids and eat with them.


My family ate together when I was growing up. My husband's family ate together every night as well. Even when the kids got older in his family, they still made a point to keep their dinner time for family.

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There's no husband in the picture (he walked out on us years ago), just me, my mom and my son.


We eat dinner together every night. 6 nights/week, I cook dinner; one night a week we eat out. We take turns picking the restaurant.


Unfortunately, all too often the TV is blaring or DS is texting or listening to his iPod. Not the nice, tranquil family sitting around the table that I had envisioned. But, at least we are all there together.



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I had to pick other. We eat dinner together as a family every single night. No exceptions. If DH and I go out together once a week or so it is to get an ice cream after dinner. Birthday dinners, holiday dinners, all of them are at home. I can't imagine it any other way.


We do eat out, rarely, but if we do it is as a family and is usually a weekend lunch.

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My son eats about 5 times a day, easily. Plus snacks. Hubby eats One Huge Meal a day, usually after we have all gone to bed. I try to have my supper with one of my son's dinners, however, I'm done in 5 minutes flat and kiddo often has second helpings, so I clean up the kitchen, and we listen to classical music and we discuss it while I sweep and clean. (Kiddo has hollow-legged male children on both sides of his family tree, and I have to cinch his pants up into wrinkled waistlines to get them to fit.)


I find this state of affairs sad, as I grew up in a nice sitdown family with linen and china and wonderful conversation. Never did find a man who was willing to stay home and do what my mother did. :)

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The six of us eat lunch and dinner together every day. Fortunately hubby gets to come home for lunch and it is a nice break during the day to have some family time/conversation. I love cooking and my older two girls are getting to where they are wanting to learn so we really enjoy that time together.

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I voted 5-6 nights/week because I didn't agree with the wording of the top choice. We eat dinner together every night, and we wait until everyone is home to do so. This means we usually don't eat dinner until between 8-9pm. It is now 10pm, and we just finished dinner. It is just a quirk of our family that we have late meals, and that is the reason.

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