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Who likes CLE LA and why??


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I am looking into the possibility of starting CLE LA for my 3rd grader next year to cover grammar and spelling. She has not done any grammar yet. My son started R&S in 3rd grade and does well with it - not sure the format of it is a great fit for my dd, though. I use CLE math and love it, but not sure about the LA


Also, I remember the spelling was way too easy for my son when I looked at it a few years ago, but my daughter is not an advanced speller - probably on grade level. How do you like the spelling component?

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I LOVE CLE LA!!! Love, Love, love because it is gentle, yet thorough, methodical and ALL IN ONE BOOK!!!! With all my kids keeping track of one book for spelling, one for penmanship, one for Grammar...It drove me crazy! That was something like 15 workbooks just for English, then we have writing too....


I do like the spelling. There is not so much review that I want to run screaming from the room, but there is enough that my children consistently do well on the tests and retain what they learn.




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I do like it. Cost and effectiveness are excellent. One issue for us was ALL the writing so early on. My son did not have the strength for a long time and it was very tough for him. We improvised by doing some orally and with him pointing when he could.


There is TONS of review. Some days my son would say "They are asking me this again?". Seemed like overkill on some things like sentence, phrase, question and identifying which is which. I did finally move to marking out some of the review that was over the top on every other lesson to give him a break.

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I love it for all the reasons Faithe said. I like that it is solid, yet gentle. There is a lot of review, but not a lot of the same question in that section. I like that they get it and I can rest knowing that even if they don't totally understand it today, it will come up again and then he will. I LOVE that it is all in one book. I went totally nuts with different ones for each subject.


I like the spelling for my older two - oldest is an extremely good, natural speller. Middle one not as good, but it has worked well for him. Youngest not a natural speller, so we are doing AAS which I love. But, I still have him do the CLE Spelling. I felt like the 2nd grade spelling got really tough all of the suddent. He has done fine with it, but when he writes a sentence, his spelling is not so good.


Just love CLE!

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We've used it two years now and will next year, too. DD loves it. It's a very independent program - in fact, I don't even plan on using the TM next year for the 400 level. I just ordered the workbooks and the answer key. As everyone else has said, it's thorough, constantly reviews previous topics, and includes everything for LA. The only thing we do different is we're not focusing on the writing projects (there are a few book reports scheduled in the 300 level that we skipped over) and I imagine we'll skip the writing in the 400 level since we're looking at a separate writing program.

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I love CLE!!! My kids love it too. The best part is that we can get through it! It's open and go. And I can participate or ask them to do it independently if I need to work with a sibling.


But we are having issues with spelling. It isn't the program's fault. My DS just needs some more work on phonics and a lot of review. He does really well on the tests after the week of working with the words but he doesn't always seem to retain. I'm going to continue to use it next year but change up how we approach the spelling.

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