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Are you drawn to reading primarily non-fiction books? Is this a bad thing?

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I keep purchasing non-fiction books and that's what I primarily read. I'm going on a two-week vacation, and I'm seriously leaning toward bringing those books. The one reason I have a hard time reading fiction (and this is seriously true...I really hope I'm not the only one that feels like this) is that I get so into a book I almost grieve when it's over and I have a hard time starting into another book. Over the years I've just gravitated toward non-fiction, books that will improve my life....parenting, schooling, marriage, etc.


Am I really missing out on something by doing this, though?

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I lean towards biographies and historical books. The stories in them can be better than any fiction. There is some fiction that I have really enjoyed but then I don't want the stories to end either.


Nothing is wrong with reading non-fiction, but I do think it's good to sometimes read something different to expand my horizons.

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I go through phases. I'm just coming out of a fiction phase, I read 3 novels in a row; now I've got about half a dozen nonfiction books lined up, and I'm taking a crack at Wheelock's. I've got another novel on hold, but it's brain candy and I'll probably just go back and forth between it and something else. That's another thing I do--read more than one book at a time. I've been known to have half a dozen books going at once. I'm trying to limit myself right now so I can get them back to the library on time!

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My bookshelves are filled with books about autism, homeschooling, health-related topics, etc. I feel like the time I have to read needs to be spent reading stuff that will actually help me with day-to-day family life. Aside from that, I like reading autobiographies/biographies about all sorts of people. Right now, I'm reading a book about a physicist (Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman) even though I've never taken a single physics course. I just find people fascinating, so this is my kind of leisure reading.


I've been reading many of the fiction books that my children read, so that's enough fiction for me. The problem for me is that I find the "real world" a bit overwhelming, so I really don't have the emotional energy to take on fictional sorrows, etc. ! I guess I enjoyed fiction more when I was younger and my own life was much less complicated.

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But when things get really hectic in life, I force myself into a fiction (usually mystery) just to get my mind distracted.


To answer your question, I don't think it is bad, but I think I could benefit from broadening my horizons with more good fictional writing.



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I prefer non-fiction. I feel like fiction is either really trashy, and not really worth my time, or really "deep" and therefore either not fun to wade through, or dealing with topics too depressing for me to think about at the moment.


I know that there are plenty of books that don't fall into this category, and that there's nothing wrong with the occasional trashy chick lit, and that I'd be a better person if I finished Madame Bovary (which I'm halfway through, and have been for 4 months)... but at the same time it just seems easier to skip the whole thing and read a book about history.

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I would love to browse your shelves!!!


Non-fiction intrigues me more than fiction. My friends tell me about these great fictional books and I am just not into them. I prefer any type of book that I can truly gain something from.


So you guys aren't alone :o)

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I lean towards biographies and historical books. The stories in them can be better than any fiction. There is some fiction that I have really enjoyed but then I don't want the stories to end either.


Nothing is wrong with reading non-fiction, but I do think it's good to sometimes read something different to expand my horizons.


I should have said ditto to your post. :001_smile:



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Generally, my favorite is fiction. However, I've found myself deep in non-fiction more often than not recently. And I won't start a new fiction book that I've never read before. I just can't drag myself out of it, and I neglect my family shamefully. A non-fiction book or a fiction book I've read before are easier to put down if I'm interrupted.

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Hey Girl!

I'm totally a non-fiction gal myself!! This week when I went to the library, I checked out Queen Bees and Wannabees, Siblings Without Rivalry, and some gardening book (all recommendations I got from the HIVE!). I was in heaven!:001_smile: The only fiction I get is with my girls' Sonlight read-alouds. I love them and don't know why I don't venture into fiction myself, but I'm just drawn to books that teach me something.


Have a wonderful trip!!!:auto:

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I'm just like you and these days I read almost exclusively non-fiction. When I pick up a fiction book I get absolutely lost in it - it becomes more real than real-life and I neglect my family, work, etc., and then walk around in a fog when it's over. Non-fiction is safer. :)

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