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I don't know if my 10 y/o REALLY still believes in the Tooth Fairy, but

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here's the letter we found under her pillow, along with the tooth she put under her pillow last night:


Dear Tooth Fairy,

You are very kind to a lot of kids in the U.S. and I thank you! There should be Tooth Fairy Day in honor of you and all the other tooth fairies! I'm so excited to wake up! Please tell me (if you can) what you look like! Well you don't need to know what I look like! You see me every time I lose a tooth. Please when you get time write back!


Best Regards,



(insert pic of face with eyes closed here) I'll be sleeping!


P.S. I drew this picture for you! (and she drew some fairies and butterflies and a picture of a mouth with one tooth blacked out and an arrow pointing to it saying "This is the spot where my tooth came out!").

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How sweet!


I am pretty sure my about to be 11 year old believes in such things. Or, chooses to believe.


He turns 11 in a few weeks. It is going to be the saddest birthday ever when he doesn't get his Hogwarts letter. Just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.


LOL!! Aww! We went to Islands of Adventure in February and went to the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter... and one of the employees/cast there told my son he can go to Hogwarts when he's 11 and my son really believes him. My son is only 5 but he's told me multiple times since then that he's going to Hogwarts when he's 11 and that they guy said he could and asking me how many more years/birthdays he has... oh boy lol.


(My son has already seen the first 3 HP movies with his sister and has heard parts of some of the books when his sister and I read them).

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That is so sweet! My dd was 10 or 11 when she figured it out. She asked about the tooth fairy being real, and then she realized that if the tooth fairy wasn't real, Santa must not be either. She cried a little. I cried a little too.


We told ds about Santa when he was 10. We did it to save him from being embarrassed by his friends. He was very upset and yelled, "You're not Santa Claus! You're Santa Frauds!"


Sigh. It makes you want to hang on to that bit of childhood innocence while you can. :) Thanks for the smile tonight.

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That is so sweet! My dd was 10 or 11 when she figured it out. She asked about the tooth fairy being real, and then she realized that if the tooth fairy wasn't real, Santa must not be either. She cried a little. I cried a little too.


We told ds about Santa when he was 10. We did it to save him from being embarrassed by his friends. He was very upset and yelled, "You're not Santa Claus! You're Santa Frauds!"


Sigh. It makes you want to hang on to that bit of childhood innocence while you can. :) Thanks for the smile tonight.


aw lol... that "Santa Frauds!" thing is kind of funny.


See, we're Jewish so my daughter has known for quite some time that there is no Santa (I told her when she was in like 2nd grade because I couldn't stand it anymore that she would feel left out that Santa didn't come to her house. I didn't tell her prior to that because I was afraid she'd tell the other kids in school and what hard feelings THAT would cause lol- (she was in public school from K-most of third grade).


So part of me wonders if she knows that there is no Santa Claus, does she also know that there's no tooth fairy and she's just trying to eke it out as long as she can for the money? haha. Or does she really still believe?


I can't ask her, of course, because I don't want to ruin it quite yet if she DOES believe- she's growing up all too fast, I'll let her have this for a while longer either way. :)

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Oh, oh, oh...this is tooooooooo cute, Nance. My dd is 11 and believed in them until her last baby tooth fell out about 3 months ago! She, too, asked me, "Mom, what do the tooth fairies look like?" It is just so darn adorable.


Hope you'll keep this letter in a keepsake box. You'll enjoy it for years to come. Precious!

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Yes, I'll definitely keep it. :)


I also have a letter from a few years ago when my daughter left the Tooth Fairy a note asking her if there was any way she would leave her more money than she usually does LOL!


So my husband went and left her ONE PENNY more than we usually stuck under her pillow. We were cracking up, but my daughter was actually excited that the letter had worked haha!

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My 13 yr old believed up until this year. She is such a daydreamer and has a wonderful imagination. She and her sisters would build fairy houses in the backyard every summer. She cried when she found out..

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