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Curriculum change today . . .

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When the weather gets too nice to stay indoors, we might:


*Get out science experiments I've saved up just for the next sunny day (anything involving sunlight-- box/pinhole cameras, water cycle in a glass, hiking through the woods to grab stream or mud samples, geocaching, etc).


*Grab whatever we were doing and do it outdoors. We have sturdy clipboards that have storage space inside for paper, books, pencils, supplies, etc.


*Bag a few things and go play (extended PE time <grin> ).


*Head to the park to see if there are any other homeschoolers out and about.


*Make a list of stuff we love about (name the season) and head on out for a hike and play treasure hunt.


*Head for somewhere outdoors enjoyable and see how the changing seasons have changed it since our last visit, such as Longwood Gardens (a phenomenal botanical garden near where we live, worth a field trip if you're ever in the Chester County PA area).


So yes, although I think we tend to be on the relatively structured end of the HS spectrum, we make use of good weather when it hits, esp during spring and fall!!



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We didn't manage to get to the mountain park that I wanted to get to today for reasons I have yet to understand. However, we did manage to do some nature study at home and spent most of the afternoon outside. I think it was more overwhelming to my Aspie daughter than she anticipated but I know it's good for her!

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We school outside every chance we get! Either at our picnic table or a blanket spread on the ground. One of my favorite parts of hs! Of course it's still too chilly around here....:glare:

Still cold here too. But when it warms up we'll be heading outside!:)

Edited by Aquinas Academy
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My favorites are to do spelling and Greek on the drive way with chalk, and hop to the right answer in math. I give a math problem they have to hop to the correct answer written somewhere on the driveway in chalk or get chalk and write the correct answer before they can stand on it. Anything to change up the day and enjoy the beautiful weather.

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