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Hmmm. what happened to my Liberal Homeschooler thread?


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There are lots of different people in the Inclusive Convention thread. Would you like to check that and see if you want to participate on the website we are trying to create to get started? We really want EVERYONE represented. It is our desire to HELP you find each other through this. kwim?


Here it is: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=260901


It is a long thread with lots of ideas, but I know *my* eyes were opened through this whole KH thing. I think others' were as well. I really did NOT realize how Christian Homeschoolers seem to have a corner on it all...and I am a Christian, although I have not participated in a group or conference in years because I do not agree with the exclusivity and don't fit their mold myself.


Please take a peek if you get the time. :)

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Wow. That bites. :glare:


I'm another hardcore green lefty. I wasn't going to post, mostly because I'm usually more interested in finding common ground with folks of all stripes (sometimes that takes more effort than it's worth, but still). But deleting that thread??? "Hmmm," is right. I can't think of anything nicer to say than that, so I'm trying not to say anything at all.


Solidarity. In my twenty years of political awareness, I've always wondered where is the solidarity among progressives while the right was so organized. Maybe it turns out our solidarity is there, it's just that the right has their finger on the delete key.

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Thanks Polly. I am subscribed to that thread and plan on participating. I just feel so...defeated. I tried to start a thread that would show that more liberal homeschoolers DO exist. I was and am feeling alienated by the predominantly Christian conservative culture in homeschooling, not only on this board, but in the state I live in. I am ALL FOR live and let live, but just wanted to give the more liberal homeschoolers (some of whom have been feeling as though we don't exist) a sense of power.


And to log on this morning and find the thread which had given me some hope and a sense of community gone...well, I'm just upset. Especially since the endless threads about Ham continue unabated, and nobody seems to think those to be divisive or "threatening".

Edited by Halcyon
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It did get deleted, but the note said, "This was fine until the partisan politics started." It wasn't you, Halcyon.


The Ham discussions are a little different... I can't figure out how to express that coherently, and honestly, I didn't see what went on in the liberal thread. I'm sorry it got deleted.

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Solidarity. In my twenty years of political awareness, I've always wondered where is the solidarity among progressives while the right was so organized. Maybe it turns out our solidarity is there, it's just that the right has their finger on the delete key.



I totally, completely agree. sorry2.gif

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I was equally disappointed because I was learning a lot *reading* the thread! I missed the end though, so I was surprised to see it gone as well. I'm glad you are following. I really have high hopes.


How do you *sub*? It sure would save me some time! I keep coming and *hunting* for it so I can keep on top of responses! LOL!

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It did get deleted, but the note said, "This was fine until the partisan politics started." It wasn't you, Halcyon.


The Ham discussions are a little different... I can't figure out how to express that coherently, and honestly, I didn't see what went on in the liberal thread. I'm sorry it got deleted.



Thanks. The only thing I see that makes the Ham discussions different is that they're not discussing "general" politics such as abortion, gay rights etc, but rather "homeschool-specific" politics. So what? It's still politics.

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In the past, it's seemed to me that the politically liberal threads get deleted because some of the highly conservative/intolerant posters (ones I'm thrilled the ignore feature works on) post inflammatory remarks. It's responses to those comments that make the threads go downhill.


I've seen conservative roll calls go on and a liberal roll call thread get deleted.

I think the best thing in a thread is to put some of the baiting posters on ignore.


I wish those posts would be deleted and not the thread - or that the thread would be locked rather than disappeared.

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I wish those posts would be deleted and not the thread - or that the thread would be locked rather than disappeared.




A webring would be pretty cool, for those who have blogs. I don't discuss politics on our blog but the sense of "family" is always nice.

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The moderators are honestly doing their best according to MY board rules, which are, very specifically:




You can talk laws, policies, positions, etc.


As soon as the words "Democrat" or "Republican" or "Tea Party" or "Libertarian" or...OK, I'm blanking, but you get the idea...enter the conversation, THE THREAD COMES DOWN. Same if PARTICULAR CANDIDATES are mentioned.


THIS IS TRUE FOR BOTH RIGHT AND LEFT. Yeah, I'm shouting. If you think the moderators haven't noticed a thread that breaks these rules, report it. This is a big board; none of the moderators can open every thread.


Don't give me "Only our viewpoint is being edited." And as for that comment about the delete button, that was totally out of line.


You want to talk liberal homeschoolers? Go right ahead. Abide by the board rules. That's simple.


I'm locking this thread. Go start a productive one.


OK, signing out for the day and leaving this in the moderators' hands.



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