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I am sooo upset!

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I am sewing the flower girl dresses for my dd's wedding, which is in 4 weeks. I am almost done with the first one, which is for my 18mo granddaugther. I can't make the other one until I get the muslin dress I made back with markings since the 4 yo lives 24 hours away. I put the buttonholes on the bodice of the dress. I was cutting the buttonholes, when my seam ripper slipped and cut a 1/2" slit diagonally through the buttonhole. I don't know what to do, but I can't do anything right now because I'm upset. I'm putting it up for now. That's all.

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I had a cousin that always used to say on a galloping horse no one will notice.




I wish I could just leave it alone, but if not fixed somehow it will fray and grow bigger. Plus, it went through the buttonhole, so that needs fixed also. I'm going to take it with me on Wednesday, when my dd has a fitting for her wedding dress. Last week, the seamstress who is doing her alterations told me if I run into any problem with the dresses, bring it in and she could finish them. I'm hoping she'll have a solution. She really is wonderful and does a very good job.

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Could you take a small, delicate, same color as the dress applique, create a button hole in that, and then sew it over the torn button hole? That should hide the problem and give a "reinforced" button hole too. If there are only a few buttons, this could be done for each of them to create a uniform look. Just a thought.


I agree that no one will notice either way. : )

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Put a square of iron on stabilizer underneath and iron it on. Then, use a tight, small zig zag where you cut the slit int he buttonhole. IT will hold fine through the wedding. I've made the same mistake before.

:iagree: Me too. :grouphug: I have had more sewing disasters than I can count over the years!

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