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Should I splurge and get an ipad?

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Here's what I'm weighing: 1. My laptop is ancient and the battery no longer works. A replacement batter is 179. The laptop buzzes and crackles so it is only a matter of time before it goes caput. At which point I'd have a brand new battery for an obselete hand-me down computer. If I get an ipad then I can still keep the laptop for any really typing.


2. I was stuck in NYC (kidless) with no book (I had just finished one and didn't think it would go so fast) one night when Chris was writing. The book stores were already closed and Chris only had technical guides on hand-- I found myself reading a sat phone set-up guide.


3.I have $189 in returned xmas gift money earmarked for a splurge.


4. I love real books, which is why I returned my kindle (which I bought for DH. He didn't really want it and passed it on to me). Plus I spent $40 the first day I had it.


5. I think screen-time is generally bad for humans, and especially my kids and for me. I don't really want something shiny and new for the kids to covet. I want to spend less time with technology, not more.


6. I'm frugal and I could use the money for a baby sitter so I could surf for real this spring.


7. I think that just because something is new and cool doesn't mean I'm supposed to have it. (I have an old cell, for example, that doesn't text or take pictures. It's fine!)


8. DH is out of the country and I feel like I need a treat.


What do you think?

Edited by yellowperch
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This is a tough one. Since you returned the kindle and prefer real books, then maybe an e-reader isn't your cup of tea. OTOH, the ipad is more than just a reader and would give you the ability to surf the internet, compose e-mail, pages documents, etc. This could, in theory, be a good replacement to your laptop.


I had an ipad and loved it! The only reason I don't have it now is because we turned it in (we were within the time period) and I'll be getting the ipad 2. I like lots of books and tend to read more than one at a time. The ipad is great for my reading habits and my need to hoard books and information. ;)

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Tough one. If you hadn't returned the Kindle, which means you don't like e-readers all that much, I would have said go for it. But given the Kindle didn't work for you, would the iPad?


We're struggling with the same issue here for DH, so I'll be listening to the responses, but IMNSHO, pass, I think.

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to know if the ipad would be a good replacement for a dying laptop, i'd need to know what you were using the laptop for. if it's the main computer in your house, then no, i would NOT recommend an ipad (and i LOVE my ipad). if it will be used mainly for web browsing, checking emails, amusing kids while waiting at various boring events, and reading ebooks, then YES!

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to know if the ipad would be a good replacement for a dying laptop, i'd need to know what you were using the laptop for. if it's the main computer in your house, then no, i would NOT recommend an ipad (and i LOVE my ipad). if it will be used mainly for web browsing, checking emails, amusing kids while waiting at various boring events, and reading ebooks, then YES!


Since this thread is already going - can you do stuff like office on an iPad? Basically what I use my computer for is what you list above, plus typing in Word, Excel spreadsheets, iTunes and downloading pictures from my cameras. OH and the all important ical!

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I have one (not the 2, the one that came out a year ago). I'm a big Apple fan, so I splurged and got it all loaded up and also bought the cellular option, thinking I would use the ipad to replace my laptop when I go places (plus I'm sick of fighting the kids for my computer!).


Well, it really hasn't turned out quite like I want. Many of the websites I like to use require the Adobe Flash player and the ipad just doesn't support that.


I was also thinking I could use to type notes into and things like that but trust me you don't want to type much using their virtual keypad and the little add on versions you can buy that are a physical keyboard seem kind of junky to me so I thought about them but decided against.


Basically, I find that the ipad isn't really quite enough to replace my laptop and not compact enough to replace my iphone. Honestly, I'm not certain where it is right now, other than somewhere in my house. I haven't used it in weeks...


Just sayin'.

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I have the quick office app on my iPad. I already had it on my android smartphone so was already familiar with it. You can do basic word processing and spreadsheets on it but I usually go home and fix formatting on my laptop or desktop. I use dropbox, one of tho cloud things, to store docs on so I can easily access files from different devices. I may go get the apple pages app to see if it makes the word processing easier. I also have PDF notes app to read and mark up PDF files. I have SOTW highlighted like crazy! The keyboard is funky. I've found that I only use three fingers on each hand and no thumb when using it. I'm getting pretty good at it :tongue_smilie: all in all, not a replacement for a computer, but a nifty mobile device that fits in my purse way easier than a laptop.

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When my ancient laptop bit the dust, I bought a cheap (but great!) Emachines laptop for around $300 and a Nook Color together for the same price as a bottom of the line IPad. The Nook color, for my purposes, is the poor man's ipad. I LOVE both of them. I don't think an Ipad can replace a heavily used laptop.



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I would wait a little while until they make the Apples a little more compatible with things that use Adobe Flash player an such, but that is just me.


I do, however, want an ipod touch. My two oldest kids got them for Christmas and they are super cool.

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Not an Ipad for me, but I am the new owner of an Archos Internet Tablet. I am still on a learning curve with it so I cannot tell you whether I love it or hate or will just deal with it. I've got a forthcoming trip though which will be the tablet's first grand test. It is lightweight--just not as easy to type on as a laptop.

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Not an Ipad for me, but I am the new owner of an Archos Internet Tablet. I am still on a learning curve with it so I cannot tell you whether I love it or hate or will just deal with it. I've got a forthcoming trip though which will be the tablet's first grand test. It is lightweight--just not as easy to type on as a laptop.


I am waiting to hear how this goes, Jane. I received a lap top for my birthday last year and I take great happiness in it. Everyone around me thinks that I would love an Ipad or e-reader, but you know, I take books places electronics shouldn't go. :tongue_smilie:


To the OP, it sounds as though you might want to replace that old laptop first, if you use it a lot. Also, there is always aesthetic appeal which should not be taken lightly if you are a real book, paper, and pen kind of girl. It's not as rewarding to sniff Ipads as it is to sniff a brand new book. For years my dh has had a travel ritual of hauling the latest dog-eared copy of Esquire with him. He has thought about receiving it electronically, but finds that rolled up magazines have more practical uses. He does not recommend swatting flys with your Ipad, Itouch or whatever.


But then, you probably weren't looking for an answer from someone who is backwards.:D

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