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Can anyone tell me about the FPEA convention?

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I'm in Orlando, so it would be local and cheap to attend. But if it is going to just make me want to tear my hair out because I am not the "right" kind of Christian I don't want to go. If it will be educational and fun, and maybe something to take the grandparents to, then I would go.



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I LOVE that convention. It's definitely not secular, but I feel it is not in your face. For example, they clearly mark faith based sessions in the schedule. Also, and I only realized this after attending CHEA in California, in my experience FPEA doesn't push one brand of Christianity. After going to CHEA ("Homeschooling is the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father...), I REALLY missed FPEA. It is a MASSIVE conference. I really think it's worth going to once, especially since you live right there.

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There are a lot of speakers to choose from for each session. As someone else mentioned, the heavily faith-based ones are marked, but there are a lot of non-faith ones. I've always thought there was a good mix of vendor workshops, practical "how-tos", and uplifting/encouraging pep talk sessions. And the vendor exhibit is huge! I have been for the past three years and really enjoyed it.

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It's awesome.








Okay, I guess you wanted a little more info than that. :D I've been for the past three years. This year it is moved back to the Gaylord, which I'm SOOO happy about! I love the atrium in the Gaylord resort.


A lot of the vendors are Christian based, but not all. I'm a Christian but I've never had people outright ask me that or anything....or witness or anything like that, if that's what you are wondering.


I've actually never attended the workshops or classes because I'm too busy giving all of my money away to vendors LOL. But I would like to possibly sit in on one or two this year.


It's really fun. I always have a good time. And there's nothing like being able to look at a curriculum or book instead of trying to get the feel of it on a website.

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It is very Christian, and makes no claim to be inclusive. It's mission statement contains this:


"and most importantly, by giving individual encouragement, all in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles."


A friend who follows New Age practices felt very uncomfortable in a workshop, not identified as Christian, but blaming New Ageism for many problems in the U.S.


The graduation ceremony has a Christian bent. A young girl, non-religious, in my umbrella school went last year, and felt very uncomfortable.


Many workshops that aren't listed as Christian, begin and end with a prayer.


All of that sound innocuous to many people, but to me that is in your face. Just giving another perspective.

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Not secular, but I didn't find the religious portions something that I couldn't overlook. Some of the seminars can get a little preachy though so you might need to sit in the back if you want to make some quick exits. The curriculum hall is IMO the best part of the convention-there is everything you can think of to look at!

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It's one of the 10 biggest conventions in the country. I felt that during the last few years the focus of the workshops has shifted more toward "how to lead a Christian life" and away from "how to teach" and "what to teach". There are still quite a few workshops in the latter category, but for my taste too many in the first one.

The vendor hall is huge. I've been to Atlanta and now Greenville, SC, for workshops/speakers that I am more interested in, but the vendor hall in Orlando is unbeatable. More vendors, and some with significantly larger booths and selections than at other conventions. Only complaint here - no used book vendors.

Unfortunately, FPEA is notoriously late with posting speakers/workshops/vendors lists.

If you go - Thursday evening is vendor hall only, some vendors offer specials good for that night only (at least last year, Solid Rock had a 10% off coupon). Still, the hall is not quite as crowded, you have a better chance to talk to the vendors/authors.

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