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Homeschool Mission statement

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Hi everyone,

I am really into planning today! I realized that after 5 years of homeschooling, our family does not have a mission statement for why we homeschool. I am not a writer so I was hoping to glean some ideas from all the folks here. Does anyone have a mission statement they wouldn't mind sharing?



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Not a concise mission, but here are the goals we wrote when we started:

Independent thinkers with strong problem-solving skills


- able to conceive & articulate ideas




Enjoy learning & keep an attitude of curiosity


- know how to find information (library, internet, reference books)


- know how to evaluate information (critical thinking)


- understand the world (through science & history)


- read fluently and enjoy reading




Strong faith and relationship with God


- including ability to question


- find & follow His plan for them


- live a moral life


- represent Christ through their actions (sense of community responsibility)




Social skills and manners in a variety of situations




Self-sufficiency – math/financial literacy, home economics

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Each child's learning style will be identified and all material will be presented in a format that honors that style.

Each child's readiness will be considered before he begins an area of learning.

Each child will be encouraged to follow her interests.

Each child will learn by doing.

Each child will be honored as an individual.

Each child will have downtome to play and just be a kid.

Each child will be encouraged to pursue his passion in life.

Each child's special genius will be discovered, nutured, and preserved.


The above is a quote from a book - but I can't remember which one! Sorry. I'd love to give the author credit.


I also like this quote from Ayn Rand

"The purpose of education is to teach a student how to live his life -

by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality.

He has to be taught to think, to understand, to integrate, to prove.

He has to be taught the essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past -

and he has to be equipped to acquire further knowledge by his own effort."

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No mission statement here. We have 15 "core goals" (long-term goals for our dc to achieve before they leave our family home) and three Bible verses.


If we did have a mission statement it would be based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism answer #1: "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever." :001_smile:

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I don't have a mission statement for homeschool, yet (you've inspired me to do so!), but I have written mission statements before. What I was taught was to take your key ideas, in this case the top 3 to 5 reasons why you homeschool, and put them together into one sentence. Hope that makes sense and helps you in the process! I'll post later when I've formulated mine.

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