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Memoria Press Prima Latina


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I just got our Prima Latina set. How do you schedule and assign this in your school?


Example: Monday: watch dvd

Tuesday: do workbook

Wednesday: listen to cd

Thursday: practice with flashcards


We have the dvd, cd, flashcards, and workbook. I just watched the first lesson and got the first lesson flashcards out of the large sheets and made one for Deus, God because I could not find one for this word. Thank you for your advice.

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We do school MTW with Fridays being for projects.


Monday, my daughter watches the video. Tuesday, she does one page in the workbook. Wednesday, she does the other review page. We do the flashcards together (both ways Latin to English and English to Latin) every day.

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I gave up on the DVD with my first child because I could teach it in MUCH less time, even though I didn't know a lick of Latin... so here's our schedule. We school 4 days a week...


Monday: I present the lesson via the CD


Tuesday: We review vocab/prayers and do the first sheet


Wednesday: We review vocab/prayers again, do the 2nd sheet


Thursday: We do an accumulative review of several past lessons

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:grouphug:to you both


We do the next one in the series, Latina Christina what we do is this

1st day he watches the DVD

2nd day he fills in what he can remember in the workbook

3rd day he watches the DVD again and fills in the rest of the workbook


We use the DVD, as it gives me a little break. He does Latin mostly on his own. He has the flashcards (and I find random places where I have to make a flashcard too.) and on certain days I will tell him to review.


Every 5 lessons we review and make sure he is solid before moving on. I use this sheet from the website. Just to help with the drills.


Good Luck

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I just got our Prima Latina set. How do you schedule and assign this in your school?



We just finished lesson 23, so we are almost done. We school four days/week and I have 30 minutes scheduled for Latin on those days, but it doesn't always take that long.

Here is what I do:

Day 1: Watch DVD (I watch with them & tend to pause it & go over stuff several times.) 15-30 min


Day 2: Review lesson in workbook & make flashcards. (I have the LC I & LC II flashcards which were given to us by a friend. I find they like making/decorating their own. I sometimes have to help with legibility issues, however.)


Day 3: Do workbook pages & review vocab out loud / with flashcards.


Day 4: Go through all flashcards up to that point or some of the vocab words they are having trouble with + concepts they are struggling with (using questions from the workbook from this or past chapters).


In our review, for example, I might ask them "What is a specific person, place, or thing called?" (Proper Noun) Or, I might ask them "What do nouns (that we have seen in this program) in Latin usually end with?" (O)


We also sometimes use Quizlet to test knowledge, come up with a quiz, or as an extra treat when one of the children gets done early (they like the "Scatter" game).


We use the pronounciation CD as a review of past chapter's words when we are in the car.


Good luck & may God bless you in your new tasks. :grouphug:

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Every 5 lessons we review and make sure he is solid before moving on. I use this sheet from the website. Just to help with the drills.


Good Luck


How do you do your drills? How often?


I have a very similar sheet in the front of the teacher manual, but it is for vocabulary and latin sayings on one side and grammar on the other.

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We also sometimes use Quizlet to test knowledge, come up with a quiz, or as an extra treat when one of the children gets done early (they like the "Scatter" game).


We use the pronounciation CD as a review of past chapter's words when we are in the car.


Good luck & may God bless you in your new tasks. :grouphug:


These are great suggestions! I just went to Quizlet and am going to print the extras I can to help supplement. Thank you!

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For the drills I just have him write the English and then the Latin. We do it until he hits 100% on all the vocabulary. I figure there is no point in moving on at this level until he is really comfortable and knows his words. It might takes us more than a year, but I figure that is the joy of homeschool. I look at a foreign language like Math, if we don't spend the time and make sure he is rock solid at the beginning, he will have problems later.


Hope that helps,


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