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Dr. Hive: First cycle after pregnancy... neverending PMS???

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Please tell me if you have experienced this! I have been expecting my period for over 2 weeks now. It will be my first one since having a baby over a year ago (still nursing). I feel *so* sick.


I have been waking up at night nauseated. I'm bloated. I have cramps and back pain so bad I have to take Advil at times to handle them. But NO period. It is starting to make me batty. I am up at this hour (after 4:00 am) because of these symptoms... making some ginger tea for the nausea and took some Advil. Yesterday I would have SWORN it was coming based on how bad I felt.


Is this normal? I don't remember the first onset of menses after a baby being so awful in the past. Could there be something else going on? My face is breaking out and I have been emotional as well... all signs point to hormones but I don't want to miss something more serious.


Please tell me I won't be in the Hotel California of PMS for the rest of my life.

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Please tell me if you have experienced this! I have been expecting my period for over 2 weeks now. It will be my first one since having a baby over a year ago (still nursing). I feel *so* sick.


I have been waking up at night nauseated. I'm bloated. I have cramps and back pain so bad I have to take Advil at times to handle them. But NO period. It is starting to make me batty. I am up at this hour (after 4:00 am) because of these symptoms... making some ginger tea for the nausea and took some Advil. Yesterday I would have SWORN it was coming based on how bad I felt.


Is this normal? I don't remember the first onset of menses after a baby being so awful in the past. Could there be something else going on? My face is breaking out and I have been emotional as well... all signs point to hormones but I don't want to miss something more serious.


I do remember it being like this. You are starting to make the hormone that gives you your period, I think it's progesterone. But it's like you need a certain level to actually get it. Your body isn't making that much yet so you get what you've got. Think of it as a weak engine that needs help to get over a hill. The engine gets stronger each time it tries. You're only on the first try. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


OH, and everything gets worse the more babies you have. Well, the after baby stuff. My first, the bleeding was over quickly. The second was longer but no too bad. My third, I thought I was going to have to cancel the 6 week appointment b/c it went so long.

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I was thinking about that the other day. Worst PMS and "startup" I've ever had, even compared to now when I've been pre-menopausing for almost a decade. I asked my OB about it when I had to go for a procedure a year after the last DC was born because I had restarted just a few months before, and she said that she was miserable too with all four pregancies until her cycle got worked out again.

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