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Do you think, perhaps, that if you saw a

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Bears can break into a house if they want to. I grew up in Montana, and every now and then, a bear would break in either through a home's door or a window. Once a bear broke into a convenience store and ate a bunch of soy ice cream bars. :D

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Ok, the consensus in my house (including my crazy animal loving kids) is that everyone here has enough sense in their heads that they would NOT come over to tell you that you had a bear under your porch. They suggested phone, computer, text and failing all of the above maybe smoke signals.

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Is this you?!?!?! Or are the bears just waking up everywhere?


This story is in the Baltimore Sun but happened 175 miles west of Baltimore, where I grew up!


The cubs are so cute!!!!



Oh my goodness! Those cubs were adorable. Now see, that might have been a problem here. I don't know if my kids could have overcome the overwhelming desire to hold them.

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Yeah, there's a story to that, too.


Every once in a while, on a warm winter day, especially at night, this strange rumbling would happen. I thought it was ice melting off the roof. It's a loud, scary noise! But then, the other night, at about 3am, it sounded like someone was breaking in. We ran downstairs, checked all of the doors and nothing. Then we went to the door of the screen porch and it sounded-and felt- as if someone were throwing all of their weight into breaking the door in. You could feel the vibrations! We switched on the outside lights and *nothing*. Nothing there t all, but the rumbling was still going on!


That's when I started to put it all together. Right by that wall is our piano, and every once in a while, the dogs would rush into that room, hackles raised, and bark their fool heads off.

We thought it was a mouse.


Daughter called us home one night from a date because she was terrified. We rushed home, Dh, checked the house, and decided it was the unbalanced hamster wheel.


When the cops got the bear up the tree, she looked at her father and said, "That's some hamster dad!"


Apparently he had made himself quite a home under there!


Well, now we know where your screen name comes from! :D


As homeschoolers, we have ant farms and butterfly habitats. But you have a bear under the porch! Overachiever!! :lol:

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Do you know how the bear was getting under your porch? I would be boarding, gluing and duct tape it to prevent another one claiming it as a new home.

I would send a letter to tell you that a bear lived under your porch if I didn't have the number. Poor postman or woman! Sorry wouldn't step in your yard much less your porch.

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