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gym moms: does it get any easier?

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DD7 had a gym competition this morning. Well, at her level, it's more of a technical exam than an actual competition. This is a level she failed once, and I was a total wreck this morning!


It's DD's first competitive year. The two first comps, she was first of her gym club, and second overall. Then the third comp comes, and she's *last*, the only one to fail that level. So maybe that's why I found this morning SOOO hard on my nerves. I almost threw up my breakfast. *And* I'm one who says that it doesn't matter what she does, as long as she's having fun. But I was so worried she'd be disappointed again.


Btw, she passed with flying colours, again first of her club, and second overall. So really, I didn't have to worry, but I must have lost 5 pounds of sweat over the morning. :ack2: Is that what I have to look forward to as a gym mom? DD doesn't worry me, she's fine. I just hope she doesn't pick up on my stress...

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Well, I don't know about gym, but I'm a baseball mom and I get this way every time my kids play! Seriously - there must be something wrong with me! My heart pounds hard and I get SO involved in the game. I don't think that they know I care so much, but I do!


Congrats to your dd! Both my older boys are starting pitchers in their games this week, so I'll be a wreck by the weekend!!!

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A word of warning: if you are videotaping a meet, do NOT use the sound or have DH do it. Because all of DD's meets we've video'ed have me on them, groaning, or saying "ooohhhh...." as she holds a balance, or something. SO embarassing!




My youngest is a rhythmic gymnast, and it IS nerve wracking. In her sport, there is equipment to drop, throw at the judges table (yes, its happened!), get caught on a hair-do, etc. Her routines are only 1 minute 30 seconds, with 3 routines per meet, but those are some LONG minute-and-a-halfs!



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For the past 11 years, I've sat in the audience during my middle dd's violin performances and vibratoed for her. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to affect her performance one bit! :lol:


I don't get as nervous for the violin performances. Maybe because my kids are still at the 'cute' level... Or maybe because I know they don't care as much.

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A word of warning: if you are videotaping a meet, do NOT use the sound or have DH do it


LOL! Lucky for me, the very first meet, she managed a move for the first time ever. I say so on the tape. It made me realise I have to keep quiet when filming! Thankfully, it was something positive I had to say!

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There is nothing more painful than watching your child on beam. I can't even videotape beam because my hands shake so much.


Yes, the beam is hard. To videotape, I mean! Well, it's hard too for the gymnast, but it's SOO hard on the mom! I never expected I would react like that!

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It did get better for me. 1st dd's first year competing, I was a total wreck. Second year I was a lot better, and kept getting better every year.


2nd dd I hardly break a sweat. I do get more nervous when I know it's important to *her* to do well.

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Thanks Pico, for offering me hope.


One year a bunch of us moms took up knitting at meets. Knitting took just the right amount of concentration to not let us get worked up.


Good luck! I'm sure it will be fine.

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One year a bunch of us moms took up knitting at meets. Knitting took just the right amount of concentration to not let us get worked up.


What a neat idea! But I can't knit and film at the same time.


Oh, today, I told the mom next to me that her DD was warming up, and then DD would do the video take. As if the whole thing was JUST for the video camera! :)

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Oh, today, I told the mom next to me that her DD was warming up, and then DD would do the video take. As if the whole thing was JUST for the video camera! :)


LOL! That's funny.


I also have a video buddy. I tape her kid, she tapes mine. That way I can enjoy watching my dds routine without worrying about how the video will turn out. I highly recommend this!

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My dd does competitive Highland dance - I hold my breath during the entire sword dance that she'll kick the swords!


That's funny, my two kids (including the gymnast) are also Highland dancers. My son just gave up though. Only DD is left in it. But she did get a gold medal at the Canadian championship last year ;-)


Anyway, I worry for Highland, but never to the point of feeling sick to my stomach.

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I also have a video buddy. I tape her kid, she tapes mine. That way I can enjoy watching my dds routine without worrying about how the video will turn out. I highly recommend this!


Woah! Brilliant!!! I'm sure I can 'sell' that idea to a few other moms on the team! Wooohoo!

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