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Sleep Deprivation and the Facebook rants of said deprived person

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So.....what does one do when regular sleep aids no longer work? I have a paradoxycal (sp?) reaction to Benadryl, it makes me WIRED, Tylenol PM, Advil PM and plain old "Go to Sleep Now" OTC meds are out. Melatonin doesn't work anymore and I'm out of Ambien (which finds me raiding the fridge and walking/talking in my sleep).


Any ideas?



Because, judging by the middle of the night facebook posts I have made lately.....I NEED SLEEP!!!


I work midnight shifts on Fri, Sat and Sun nights and it's so hard to get back into the swing of things. :confused:

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When do you take your Adderall? Could you use a lower dose? Take it earlier? That was the first thought that jumped into my head. I make sure here that it is taken 14+ hours before the next bedtime or it will keep us up.


ETA: Have you tried Sudafed? I know it is usually a daytime med, but it makes my 10yo sleepy (and Benadryl amps him up.)

Edited by Renee in FL
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About once every three months or so I will have about a week or so with practically no sleep and then even Ambien doesn't help. I am usually in need of sleep or have already taken my Ambien and it didn't work so I am sleep posting. That's why my grammar, punctuation, spelling & typing are horrible and half my posts just plain don't make any sense. I don't have any answers for you but if you find them please let me know.

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I have suffered from severe insomnia for years. I, too, have the opposite reaction to benadryl, nyquil, tylenol PM, etc. Even codeine makes me itch and keeps me awake!


The only thing that works for me is prescription medication (but they all have side effects). Xanax works but gives me nightmares. So does Ambien (more like hallucinations). I like Lunesta the best (great sleep, no nightmares or hallucinations) but it gives me horrific headaches.


So I pick my poison daily... :glare:

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@Specialmama. LOL. Well, one was a pic of my face and Nakia's WTM thread morphed together.


Apparently, all I needed to do was post this thread because last night I slept like a log!


Martha, I've tried to make my nights all match my weekend schedule, but it doesn't work as well for the family.


I havn't taken Adderall in days, so it's not really that. When I do take it, it is early in the morning. (as soon as I wake up)

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This is more confession and less rant, but I posted this on Nakia's wall:


I love how you are such a real, true person that I felt comfortable telling you,"I went to WalMart in middle of the night to buy Funyuns, but I was totally gonna tell my husband it was to buy a new mop!" Thank you for being YOU. ♥




Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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Have you ever tried melatonin? It's supposed to help regulate your wake and sleep cycles. I have a hard time with sleeping pills, too. Sometimes they work for a day or two, but after that, not so much. I can take Benadryl but will feel stoned for a good long time so I save that for emergencies.

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Have you ever tried melatonin? It's supposed to help regulate your wake and sleep cycles. I have a hard time with sleeping pills, too. Sometimes they work for a day or two, but after that, not so much. I can take Benadryl but will feel stoned for a good long time so I save that for emergencies.



I took THREE melatonin last night. Maybe that's why I slept so well. :001_smile:

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You shouldn't be taking it with your regular vitamins for proper absorption, anyway. See if it helps. Supposed to relax you.



That's funny. I don't actually take calcium......yet. :lol:



And Sshhhh! I know what Nakia's tattoo is. It reads, "Yo, don't ban me from the Hive!" :lol:

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