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I started this year's garden!

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Some of the fruit trees are blooming now, so I started my garden. My husband moved some of our raised beds around so all the dirt was ready to go. He's my hero! ;)


I planted: carrots, red onion sets, white onion sets, Mesculun salad mix (a bunch of fancy types of lettuces), mustard spinach, Buttercrunch lettuce, Iceberg, Bibb lettuce, radishes, dill, green onions (the small bunching kind), red cabbage, broccoli, beets and cilantro. I'll pick up some tomatoes and summer plants probably in April or early May.


We also got a few new fruit trees to plant. Now I have the following "permanent" things growing: Lapins cherry, Satsuma, Meyer lemon, Washington Navel Orange, avocado (the smooth skinned, more cold hardy type), pear, Royal Rosa apricot, Cot-n-Candy aprium, Burgundy plum, Santa Rosa plum, nectarine, O'Henry peach, Fuji apple, Honeycrisp apple, 2 different types of pomegranates, 3 Thompson seedless grapes, Thomcord grape, Flame seedless grape, black Monukka grape, artichoke, Olallie blackberry, Rosemary and lavender.

I'm so excited about all the stuff that's growing in my yard!! I'm trying to think of what else I can fit like some blueberry bushes or something, lol.


I need to get out and start weeding the flower beds soon.


So anyone else starting some gardening? :D

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I convinced my dh to pull out the moldy rosebushes in the front yard/jungle. They belonged to the previous owner. Pulling them out triggered a neighborhood mourning session - people would ask WHY WHY WHY are you pulling those out...no answer was enough.

We shared the moldy bushes with neighbors who asked - I offered them to "ease the transition" :tongue_smilie:

Now we have built raised beds, installed drip irrigation on about half of the beds and I'm almost ready to start my planting :party:


Homeschooling is getting in the way of my need to plant all my yummy veggies!

I need to have my "outside time" needs met - I feel like chucking the grammar...but I will soldier on. Then planting will be extra sweet!


Various heirloom tomatoes, green beans, dragon tongue beans (purple!), maui onions, green onions, carrots, yellow squash, cukes, pumpkins, blackberry vine, strawberries, assorted annual flowers mixed in.


I read Rosalind Creasy's Edible Landscaping and I'm hooked!


I am done watering my LA lawn/rose jungle!



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I envy you both. I will start some seeds indoors this week. We still have snow on the ground, my raised beds are completely covered by snow, it is thawing however. I guess mid to late may is when things will actually start going in to the garden. Enjoy your weather and garden!

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