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Vocabulary Programs


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Can someone please list vocabulary curriculum for me?


I don't know of many, only Dynamic Literacy and I've heard of other products but can't remember the names of them...


Can we please make a big list of Vocabulary (preferably Roots based) programs for me to go over?


Thanks In Advance.




Please don't use EAFTSOA (Excessive Abbreviations For The Sake Of Abbreviating) Its as annoying as "Chat speak" and I don't know authors and products so I won't be able to puzzle most of the out.

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Thanks, I'm not asking for popular options/opinions just a list of names to investigate on my own, I mean something like:


Dynamic Literacy

Caesars English

Vocabulary XYZ



so on and so forth.


Anyone else? Can you please list some vocabulary programs?

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Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop series.


I'd give you a link but the website isn't opening right now for me. The levels for younger grades are "colors" (I think) and the older middle school/high school levels run A-H. I think A is supposed to be for 6th grade. H used to have a different name, btw.


My teens' schools use books F-H for their highest-ability English classes in grades 9-11. The Boy scored pretty darn well ;) on the creative reasoning portion of the SAT after using the vocab books and taking Latin for three years.

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For those of you who have used Vocabulary Workshop, can you get by with just the student book or do you need the teacher guide as well (for the younger grades). Thanks so much!!


You shouldn't need the teacher's book for the younger grades. I don't need it for the "sixth grade" A book.


There are online components to the Sadlier-Oxford books, too. I haven't looked at them yet though.

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Yes, I bought it directly after waffling for a few months. My sister shared the order with me (she doesn't homeschool but likes the Vocabulary Workshop books much more than what her 5th and 7th graders use) so we split the shipping. When I have to order the next level for dd, I'm also going to buy additional levels.

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