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Are the gas prices changing your lives?

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Dh doesn't have to spend much on gas for work because he works from home. When he does drive in for important conferences (about twice per month) it is 85 miles each way. So, it's a hefty trip but doesn't happen enough to hurt.


I do drive once per month into a city that is 45 miles away and I shop at Meijer. The rest of the time I am able to fill in with a local Mennonite bulk food store that also has lots of organics. It isn't too far away and quite often my mil has a shopping list, so I drive (she is always very thankful for this in the winter and well, she just doesn't like driving) and in exchange, she pays the gas. Our 4-H office is only nine miles away and my two favorite farm supply stores are there as well plus a couple of pharmacies, a GNC, and a Walmart. Though I hate Walmart, I do use it occasionally when I can't wait until my next monthly trip to Meijer.


The gas hog is dd who drives four times or more per week to pre-med and paramedic classes/ambulance shifts. It's 50 miles each way. Thankfully, she takes our Saturn which gets 30 miles to the gallon. Her pre-meds for this semester are done the end of April and her paramedic class ends July 14th. She'll stay home for a month and study hard for boards, then she will start applying for jobs. Though our local EMS would take her in a heartbeat, she wants to start out in the city because she will see a wider variety of cases. We think it's best too, so a lot of paycheck is going to go to gas. Well, and then whatever pre-med classes she can take while working too!



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Yeah, I'm going to have to give up our homeschool group. I love it, but it is 30 minutes away. So, not only do we drive to the weekly park day, but any kind of co-op or get together is down there, too. Cub Scouts is through the group, as well, so we are currently looking for a new Scouts, in our city. Piano, library, and church are all near the house. The only thing I don't want to give up is our Awana - we go to one that's about 40 minutes away. At least we can cut it, if we needed to. We have a lot of field trips coming up that I'm not looking forward to the drive. :(


The good news is that dh gets to carpool with my brother to work, so that is nice. Saves a little bit.

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Well, as DH is unemployed, our shopping trips have already been cut. :glare: Co-op is about 40 minutes away and soccer is starting up soon, about 20 minutes out. Those will stay. But we go basically nowhere else out of town. Grocery shopping, etc. all get done when we're already out for the girls' gymnastics or choir.

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Could he work closer to home?


Dh drives about 20 minutes. He took a huge paycut when he changed jobs (and we lost our benefits), but we save a TON of money of gas, and he gets to be home more.


He's looked around for a new job, but there aren't any closer to home at this time. He did get an interview, but it was at a job even farther away.


Must he go to work to work? Some companies offer a telework option. Could he work from home one or two days a week?


He could work from home (and has done it a few times), but his company doesn't like it. And honestly, it would increase my stress level to have him home during the day.

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Yes, we spend more on gas then we do on food. We spend about 150-175 a week in gas. My husband works 45 min. from where we live. Our church is about 30 min. away. My doctors office is an hour away. We have started to combine trips and we only go out when we have to.On Tuesdays we have dance and soccer.On Wednesdays my son goes to speech therapy and OT on the same day and after that we go to church. On Thursdays I teach a co-op which is ending in 4 weeks. On Saturdays we have a soccer game and Sundays church. I don't go out any other days to save money.

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We are 7 miles from a grocery store, Dh's work, and most of the kids activities. As a family we make an average of 9 trips to this town per week. We are twenty+ miles to a town larger than 5,000 people. We go to coop and Walmart every other week here. Church is 25+ miles away, and we go there once per week. We have sixty+ miles to an urban area with decent shopping. We make this trip once or twice a month. We are four+ hours from our nearest family and almost 7 from the family we visit most. To visit various family members we drive a 10-14 hour round trip every six weeks or so.


We spend a lot on gas. I really hate to see the price go up.

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