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Gamewright games: your favorites?


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Frog Juice is our favorite Gamewright card game.


I love their games and now we have quite a few. We also enjoy: Rat-a-tat-cat, Zeus on the Loose, Slamwich, Scrambled States. Forbidden Island is a fun cooperative game. We pull out Hiss when we have young 3-4 year olds over.


We have Sleeping Queens and Loot, we have yet to play them, but I hear they're great.

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We have:



  • Loot
  • Scrambled States of America
  • Scrambled States of America 2
  • Slamwich
  • Rat-a-tat-cat
  • Go Bananas
  • Hocus Focus

Our favorite: Scrabled States of America - fun and educational. Kids learn the states, but also fun tidbits about states such as their state motto, the number of presidents from a state, state flower, etc. Kids even get practice measuring when they draw a "Go the Distance" card. The person who is the closest to a particular state gets the cards from that play.


My boys enjoy playing Go Bananas together. Players compete to spot the polar opposite monkey cards. If you mess up you lose your cards. There are things you have to watch out for like "gotcha gators" and monkeys holding bananas that make the game interesting and fun. This game takes about 12 minutes to play and is easy to learn.


Loot is very fun. It says you need to be 10 yrs. old, but I think a game loving kid who is 8 could easily play. This game has good strategy. Your goal is to be the player with the most gold at the end of the game. Various cards enable you to get "Loot". The game takes about 20 minutes to play.


Hocus Focus is a fun, visual game. About 8 cards are laid face up and you have to spot two cards that are completely different in 5 category areas: size, color, hat, wand, and shoes. If you spot a pair that is completely different, you get to keep the cards. Whoever has the most pairs at the end of the game wins!


Rat a tat Cat is an gun card game that involves basic addition. Your goal is to go out with the lowest total score when the cards in your hand are added together. A great math game that also involves memory and good timing. There are a few fun twists to the cards with power cards and rat cards.

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