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Do you own any of the DK books by Sister Wendy?

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I just found a couple of Sister Wendy books on ebay. I've never seen them before and I'm looking to add to our art history colelction, which currently consists only of a Norton Anthology of Art and a copy of "History of Art for Young People" on it's way from an ebay seller.


We think Sister Wendy is hilarious and very informative on the videos. Do you like the books?



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I have The Story of Painting. The writing is clear and engaging and the photography is incredible. There are numerous overleafs that allow you to see the intricate detail in works like the Chi-Ro and the Bayeux Tapestry. I did the Sister Wendy thing backwards. I started with the book and only recently realized that she had wonderful videos.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm going to look up the Sister Wendy books--I love art books.


These are great, too:


Dan's Angel

Katie Meets the Expresionists, etc.

Lydia i Monet's Garden

What Makes a Van Gogh a Van Gogh, etc.

Sqeaking of Art by Monica Wellington

Babar's Museum of Art

the Come Look with Me

Laurence Anholts' books such as Camille and the Sunflowers

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Oh my gosh! I found this book used online and it arrived today. It is gorgreous, fantastic, wonderful. I've just started looking through it but I had to come here and say--what a find. So far, I especially love to large detailed close-ups. I can almost feel the paint.


Love, love, love it. Thank you!


The videos are next!



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We like the videos. One of the best things we did before going to the Chicago art museum was to watch her video about the museum. Our favorite line (said in Sister Wendy accent) "At fuhst I thought this piece was hideous, but then I had to we-buke (rebuke) myself..."


We often will talk about "we-buking" ourselves. :-)

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I can't help but snicker whenever someone mentions Sister Wendy Beckett. When I was in college we were required to watch several of her videos for our Music & Art course. Since we weren't allowed to have our own TVs, My friend Sarah and I watched them in the library. Several times Sister Wendy's comments made us blush or laugh. Just as Sister Wendy said "the painter presents the breasts as if on a platter" (a painting of Cleopatra, I believe) a (male) librarian walked up behind us to let us know the library was closing. Sarah was mortified and quickly held a sheet of paper over the screen. For the rest of the year I would get her laughing at random times by saying "...as if on a platter" in my best Sister Wendy voice.

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