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What is "good" cinnamon?

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I've been reading through some recipe reviews and some have suggested using a "good" cinnamon. So cinnamon is not created equal? :confused:


Where exactly would I go to buy a better quality cinnamon? Will it be that much better than the stuff I got at the dollar store? (I have four apple pies to bake on Thursday. :))

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Cinnamon from Penzey's will almost surely be better than what you bought at the dollar store. They have different kinds- and people have preferences- I like their Vietnamese. If you could smell Penzey's cinnamon beside your cinnamon, it would probably convince you. Nothing against your cinnamon, but it's probably not as fresh or as high quality.

Having said that, I doubt most people would really notice the difference enough to comment.

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Thank so much for the replies! I've been eating a lot of cinnamon on apples lately, and I think I'll give Penzey's a try. Will probably have to order it though, I don't think I can find it around here. :tongue_smilie:

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The first time I heard there was more than one kind of cinnamon was on an episode of Frasier when Niles ordered his cappaccino with a sprinkling of Madagascar cinnamon. :)


I remember that!!! :D


Oh, I really miss our TV sometimes. :(

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Do you ever see this? They have a "Taste Test" article on cinnamon. I would have sworn it was just this past Christmas, but I checked their website, and I was a whole year off. It is here:






Wow! Just read through this.


Had to laugh at the bottom line though. After all that, this was their conclusion. :lol:


The Bottom Line

Although our tasters had their favorites, most brands of cinnamon rated reasonably well as long as they were fresh. Our favorite barely edged out the supermarket Best Buy with tasters, and we had to mail away for it. Unless you are willing to spend more and wait awhile for a marginally better cinnamon, we'd recommend the supermarket Best Buy priced significantly less than our winner.



I've found this happens with curriculum sometimes too.

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