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Is there a way to "retrain" the brain with CAPD?

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I have CAPD. It was recommended that I do bio-feedback to help me. I just couldn't do the time commitment for it (several times a week for months).I'd recommend talking to your audiologist, if you don't have one, then go see one. I avoid loud places like the plague. I can't function in them. Since my hearing was corrected when I was an adult, my brain never learned to filter out noises. I just compensate for it by avoiding the situations as much as I can. A white noise machine, or something that works as one ( a table fan) can help. We moved the kids tv into a different room because I can't concentrate with it on. I guess what I'm saying is, think about what bothers you ( or whomever has CAPD) and make what adjustments you can to improve the quality of life.


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I'm highly suspicious that my 8yo has this type of CAPD, where it's like living in a circus 24/7. A friend of mine's son was just diagnosed with it. He will be getting a little filter to wear in his ear. I didn't know if it was possible to train the brain to filter out all the noise on its own or not....

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My 10yr old daughter is diagnosed with auditory figure-ground processing disorder.. This means she cannot filter out background noise. She also has very sensitive hearing.


She is doing listening therapy for this right now. They are using Earobics.


She has also done Interactive Metronome in the past, which was just incrediblely invaluable for her in more ways than just auditory processing.


She used to have to use noise-reducing headphones a lot while doing schoolwork, but she no longer needs them much.

Edited by Misty
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