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No LOST talk??

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I figured there would already be a thread going strong after last nights show.


Did anyone notice that when it showed Jack in the future he didn't have an appy scar? We had it recorded and I rewound it to those topless scenes and I couldn't see a scar on him. I wonder if that is why they had those scenes, so we would notice that. Hmmmm...


Also, it seems that Jack might now know that Aaron is his nephew. Did anyone else get that impression?


Do you think that Claire's disappearance is why Kate has Aaron?


What else did you think of last nights show?

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Two different time lines? One which would happen if they got off the island, but left some behind, and one where something different happens? Like, maybe they had to choose between their own happiness and self-sacrifice that would make everyone happy? Don't know.

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I didn't notice but I think that is just a screw up. It seems that the location Juliet was cutting was a little high. I think the scar would have been lower and possiblely covered by the towel. I think that the whole purpose of the Jack appy. storyline was what Rose was saying. People don't get sick on the island. Didn't someone else get sick as well? At first, I thought maybe they had come down with the mysterious illness that Danielle's crew had but I guess that wasn't it. Maybe the island is mad?


Yes, it does seem that Jack knows Aaron is his nephew. That might explain why he wasn't ok with Aaron to begin with (anger over his dad infidelity). I still don't know why Kate has Aaron to begin with or how she would have gotten custody of him even if she brought him off the island unless of course they all said Kate was the mother in the first place. I think that Claire missing right now is setting up how Aaron gets off the island without her. The rescue comes and they take Aaron with them but Claire is still missing? It seems kinda far fetched though. Why wouldn't they leave him with the people still on the island? Also Hurley said that Jack was not supposed to raise him. I think this goes back to what the psychic said about only Claire should raise him.


All in all, this episode was as action packed and didn't further the story has much as some of the other episodes this season. It did open a lot more questions in the Aaron story but didn't really give us any answers. As usual.

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I think this goes back to what the psychic said about only Claire should raise him.


As a newbie to Lost, I have been watching the previous seasons and loving them.


In season 2, didn't we find out that the psychic was a fake? When Mr. Echo the priest is investigating the miracle girl who drown and came back to life, we find out that the psychic is the girl's father. He admits to Echo that he is a fraud who gains information on his clients.


doesn't this bear weight on the fact that Kate is raising Aaron?

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OK, I obviously missed something. Aaron is Jack's nephew? I wondered how Kate ended up with Aaron. At least we have one question answered. Didn't even think to look for the scar.Your good!


Yes, Claire and Jack have the same father. The father had an affair with Claire's mom. Oh my goodness, this is beginning to saound like a soap opera.

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The main opinion around here is that Sawyer is too good for Kate. I'm beginning to dislike her intensely. Can't she be honest about anything?



Oh we absolutely agree. Mostly because Sawyer has really stepped up. I really hope they don't have him back track in the future like he has in the past.

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As a newbie to Lost, I have been watching the previous seasons and loving them.


In season 2, didn't we find out that the psychic was a fake? When Mr. Echo the priest is investigating the miracle girl who drown and came back to life, we find out that the psychic is the girl's father. He admits to Echo that he is a fraud who gains information on his clients.


doesn't this bear weight on the fact that Kate is raising Aaron?


I don't remember this. I am about half way through watching season 2 again though so I will watch out for it. Thanks.

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Kate was supposedly doing Sawyer a favor (in the future) but they stated that he was still on the island. Do they have a way to be in contact with those left behind on the island?



I got the impression that Jack said that 'he (Sawyer) was still on the island' to point out to Kate that he - Jack came back and was with Kate. Sawyer stayed behind and was not there for her. Before she left, Sawyer asked her to do something for him.


My dh and I debated this scene after the show. LOL! My very loyal dh felt that Kate was right and I sided with Jack. Knowing how Jack feels and his past marriage experience with a lying spouse, she should have gone to him and told her what she was going to do for Sawyer. Hubby feels Kate did not need to disclose anything to Jack. Funny how TV shows can be thought provoking.

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I got the impression that Jack said that 'he (Sawyer) was still on the island' to point out to Kate that he - Jack came back and was with Kate. Sawyer stayed behind and was not there for her. Before she left, Sawyer asked her to do something for him.


My dh and I debated this scene after the show. LOL! My very loyal dh felt that Kate was right and I sided with Jack. Knowing how Jack feels and his past marriage experience with a lying spouse, she should have gone to him and told her what she was going to do for Sawyer. Hubby feels Kate did not need to disclose anything to Jack. Funny how TV shows can be thought provoking.


You are right about thought provoking. I think it depends on if she promised Sawyer before hand that she wouldn't say anything to anyone or Jack specifically about it. If she did, then she would be right. If she did not then there was no reason that she could not have told Jack.


Who was she talking on the phone to? At first, I thought it was Ben. Maybe they are communicating through Ben or one of his henchmen?

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So, if he doesn't have a scar in the future, what would they be insinuating about that?


First of all, I didn't notice the lack of scar. I have no idea if that is meant to be noticed or if it were a mistake. But assuming that it was meant to be noticed, then to answer the above question, the only answer I immediately think of is what Hurley said to Jack. He said the Oceanic 6 didn't get off the island, they all died and are in heaven.


Actually, I'm surprised there hasn't been any talk about what Hurley said. To me that was one of the more important aspects of last night's episode. Why would Charlie have said that Jack wasn't meant to raise Aaron, especially when they're blood related? He also said Jack would be having a visitor, which turned out to be his dad. Is Hurley crazy? I don't know. A part of me wants to say no, because in past shows they have made him seem like he was but then the other people turned out to be wrong and Hurley was right. On the other hand, he was in a pysch ward *before* the crash, so who knows? I feel sorry for him though, for whichever situation he's in.

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Yes, Claire and Jack have the same father. The father had an affair with Claire's mom. Oh my goodness, this is beginning to saound like a soap opera.


TLCMOM then had to rewind the topless scene!!!:w00t:


Sawyer continues to grow on me week by week. Jin also gets brownie points for talking down Ms. CS Lewis.


What is Christian Shepard is the angel of death? One of my wild hair theories is that Hurley is right and only that 6 are dead. I guess we'll see. :lurk5:

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I think it depends on if she promised Sawyer before hand that she wouldn't say anything to anyone or Jack specifically about it. If she did, then she would be right. If she did not then there was no reason that she could not have told Jack.


Maybe Sawyer told Kate where all that woman's money was stashed and she returned it to her. Didn't that woman Sawyer ripped off, the one who helped Kate see her mother, have his child?



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Maybe Sawyer told Kate where all that woman's money was stashed and she returned it to her. Didn't that woman Sawyer ripped off, the one who helped Kate see her mother, have his child?


This is what I was thinking as well. I think Sawyer has a child out there and seeing Kate is so maternal, I think she wants to help Sawyer be a dad.
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This is what I was thinking as well. I think Sawyer has a child out there and seeing Kate is so maternal, I think she wants to help Sawyer be a dad.


I got the impression that Sawyer's favor might be an illicit favor. Otherwise, couldn't she just tell Jack that she was helping Sawyer's child?

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