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Teachers Lounge! 2-23-2011

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Happy Wednesday!


What's for lunch today? Me: I'm starting with a double chocolate doughnut with chocolate sprinkles and then I'll eat my sandwich. This is so I don't strangle my children. And it's not their fault today. :glare:


Any one go on a field trip today? We went to see the Phoenix Symphony do a Celebration of Arizona. Fun but way too short. I would have liked to have listened to another half an hour to an hour of music.


What's exciting today? Me: I have my first official job as a tutor today! Yay!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Chicken and rice quesadillas, prepared while teaching math and English. They were very good. I guess the meat was grilled just enough (this time) and not overdone (like usual).


We are currently playing PlayMobil, attending and OYAN webinar, and working on Greek.


I'm struggling through my first day with no Diet Coke. I'm giving it up! BUT I WANT ONE NOW!!! I'm craving it. When will the craving pass????


We went skiing yesterday, so today is pretty dull by comparison.

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Lunch was a Nutella and strawberry jelly sandwich (chocolate covered strawberry sandwich... hehehe) and a Mt. Dew. Desperately need the caffeine today. Eaten while reading the World Book articles for the kids' TOG week plan. now they're listening to MOH and SOTW. :)


No field trips. Not many places to go around here.


Exciting: We started Latin today!! You have NO idea how excited I am!!! It's something I've always wanted to learn, but no one would teach me when I was in school, and when I became an adult, I got too busy. I am so so SO happy to be teaching it to my kids!

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Lunch: White Chicken Chili leftovers from last night and oh, so good! (With a sprinkle of monteray jack, a dollup of sour cream, and a handful of chopped avocado on top.) Recipe: http://www.ourbestbites.com/2008/09/white-chicken-chili.html


Field trip: Nt today - we do have gymnastics this afternoon though.


Anything exciting?: Friday afternoon marks the beginning of a 2 week spring break for dh from school! We are planning on having a nice relaxing break. (We'll see if that actually happens! :tongue_smilie:)

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What's for lunch today? We had pasta with diced tomatoes and shredded pecorino romano cheese. Topped off with a choice of cherry coffee cake, lemon bread, or cranberry bread.


Any one go on a field trip today? We took a virtual field trip to the National Gallery via CD-ROM. (Did you know you can borrow educational materials from them?)


What's exciting today? DH went to the store to buy milk and filled up my gas tank! I am doing laundry today so that I can start packing tonight for a weekend away with friends.

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Lunch - chicken noodle soup, crackers


Field trip - It's snowing so the kids are making the outdoors a field trip of sorts. My dd was wanting to make Calvin-style snowmen. . . What will the neighbors think? Those unsocialized homeschoolers?!


Exciting - Does being woken up out of sound sleep at 8 am by a bill collector from the hospital count? I've been working for hours trying to sort out the ER bills from a couple of months ago. . . hmmm. Maybe I can make a snowman depicting what I think of the billing department?:D

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lunch? Huge salad and then some leftover mac & cheese with broccoli. Kids ate sandwiches with fruit and the mac & cheese


field trip? I guess that will be church tonight for all of us. This will be maybe the 2nd time since January that all of us are well enough to attend at the same time. Ds has left with his grandpa for bowling league practice. I need a real field trip though. Library time yesterday just wasn't enough LOL.


exciting? life feels kind of drab right now but we are expecting 25 chicks soon and are planning the coop and run. I think I have read more on chickens and all that in the last weeks than I have read anything in the last 2 years.

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I had a turkey sandwich for lunch--the children slipped a note under my door early yesterday morning asking me to buy sliced turkey--big treat at our house. They were skiing for the second day and wanted something special in their lunches. I ran to the grocery store during ds's 8:00 class. Today was spent doing some catchup, as I'd spent the last two days sewing doll clothes for the orchestra silent auction and the kids spent the last two days skiing! I thought I had to go in to the parents' meeting for gymnastics, but dd just texted and said I'd written it down on the wrong day---yay! So, she'll bring her baby sis home (she's helping coach) and I don't have to go in! She had a big test in her JAVA class today and we got ready to vaccinate cattle tomorrow. Pretty quiet day, though dd was pretty pumped about her firefighter class last night--they had to crawl through a confined space, in an airmask, avoiding getting tangled in wires and then chop through a sheetrock wall using an axe! She's loving this class!


Wow, your kids are doing some exciting things!

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