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Unexpected CC math sequence - is this a FL thing?

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My understanding of the typical high school math sequence for an advanced math student would be:

9th - Geometry

10th - Algebra 2 (same as Intermediate Algebra)

11th - Pre-Calculus = College Algebra (or Algebra 3) + Trigonometry

12th - Calculus


I just started considering having ds take math classes at CC in 10th grade. Math is his strongest subject, and I've been told more than once to start him at CC in a strong subject. I found that the CC has this sequence and the high school credit value:

Intermediate Algebra - 1/2 credit

College Algebra - 1 credit

Trigonometry - 1 credit

Pre-Calculus Algebra - 1 credit

Calculus with Analytic Geometry - 1 credit


I find this very strange and I am quite distressed over it for some reason. Perhaps because it was my understanding that College Algebra and Pre-Calculus Algebra are the same thing. So, it looks like a repeat to me. Why 1/2 credit for Intermediate Algebra when it takes a year to complete it in high school? I also find it extremely strange that College Algebra and Trigonometry are each considered a year's worth of high school math. No high school I know of spends a year on College Algebra or Trigonometry. So, it looks like they are both going at the typical high school pace through the material and inflating the value of the high school credit. So, if we do the typical high school math sequence for 10th-11th-12th, ds will earn 3 credits. If he goes the CC route, he earns 4.5 credits. Seems dishonest. Or geared for remedial students. :confused:


How many times have I heard that CC classes cover a year's worth of high school material in a semester? That seems to be true of the foreign language, English, and science classes (with lab) here. Why not the math?





Edited by Sue in St Pete
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For those of you who have gotten this far and have the knowledge to decipher this, here are the descriptions of the various classes:


MAT 1033 - Intermediate Algebra

Major topics include factoring, algebraic fractions, radicals and rational exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, rational equations, linear equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities, introduction to functions and applications.


MAC 1105 – College Algebra

Major topics include: functions and functional notation; domains and ranges of functions; graphs of functions and relations; operations on functions; inverse functions; linear, quadratic and rational functions; absolute value and radical functions; exponential and logarithmic properties, functions and equations; systems of equations and inequalities; applications such as curve fitting, modeling, optimization, exponential and logarithmic growth and decay.


MAC 1114 – Trigonometry

This course is a study of trigonometry with emphasis on circular functions. Major topics include: trigonometric and circular functions, inverse trigonometric functions, identities, equations, solution of triangles, complex numbers, vectors, parametric equations, polar coordinates and applications.


MAC 1140 – Pre-Calc Algebra

Major topics include: polynomial, rational and other algebraic functions, their properties and graphs; polynomial and rational inequalities; exponential and logarithmic functions, their properties and graphs; piecewise-defined functions; conic sections; matrices and determinants; sequences and series; mathematical induction; binomial theorem and applications.


Pre-Calculus at the high school:

The purpose of this course is to emphasize the study of functions and other skills necessary for the study of calculus. Topics shall include, but not be limited to, polynomial, rational, trigonometric/circular functions, arithmetic and geometric series, concept of limits, vectors, conic sections, polar coordinate systems, mathematical induction, parametric equations, complex numbers, real world applications, problem solving strategies and literacy strategies.

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Intermediate Algebra - 1/2 credit

College Algebra - 1 credit

Trigonometry - 1 credit

Pre-Calculus Algebra - 1 credit

Calculus with Analytic Geometry - 1 credit



There are very few cc's that have anything resembling a high school geometry course, so you won't be able to get that at the cc. Our cc has a flowchart of the math courses. Numbering doesn't always make sense, so check on the math dept page and see if they have something like that.


I have seen schools that have a precal course (with trig) as a one semester course and that also have two separate courses that would be the equivalent of the precalc course - but for weaker students. Not every student will need trig as well. The business calculus course generally has only a college algebra requirement.


From the course descriptions, it looks like precalc algebra and college algebra would be similar courses. I don't see the reasoning for this path. In our state, the sequence is:

Beginning Algebra

Intermediate Algebra

(then there's a split and students can take stats, discrete math, or college algebra)

If a student takes college algebra they can then take trig or business calc

After college algebra is trig (each one semester - our school doesn't have a combined alg/trig course), then a student could take calculus.


There's definitely something worthwhile to be gained from a geometry course. It's the first introduction to proofs many students get. I'd encourage after an algebra 1 course taking a geometry course.


Intermediate Algebra is kind of Algebra 2 (although ideally an algebra 2 course would go a bit further than our intermediate algebra course).


If your son is strong in math, unless you know the feel of the school, I might not have him taking cc math courses until calculus (if you're able to get him a challenge outside). I'd go with a private tutor or if he's good, try the AoPS courses. The students in the intermediate algebra course are often pretty weak (but I'm teaching nights - it's a different type of student).


Don't know how much this helps, but these are my thoughts... And do check their site for a flowchart and look also at prereqs.

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My ds is in community college and taking a semester of trig followed by a semester of college algebra IN LIEU OF precalculus. He will go straight to calculus after these 2 semester courses.


This was recommended to him by his intermediate algebra instructor who felt it would offer a much better foundation for calculus. He felt the one semester pre-calc course was too rushed and younger students shouldn't be so rushed to get to calculus (my ds is 15).


The intermediate algebra course was a 5 unit course -- easily the equivalent of a year long high school course. The trig and college algebra courses are each 3 unit courses, the pre-calculus is a 6 unit course, so you can see it is the equivalent of those two individual courses. The trig and college algebra students use the exact same text book as the pre-calculus class.


Anyway, long story short, my ds is heading to a major in engineering or physics or math and this has been his sequence so far:


Homeschool year long courses:

Algebra I



Community college semester courses:

Intermediate Algebra


College Algebra

Calculus I

then Calculus II and III and who knows what else?


Double check the prerequisites for calculus -- it may be that trig and college algebra also are equivalent to pre-calculus.

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At our FL CC, high school students cannot take Intermediate Algebra because it is considered a remedial class. So the sequence goes:


College Algebra - 3 credits / 1 high school credit

Pre-Calc/Trig - 5 credits / 1 high school credit

Calc 1 w/Geometry - 5 credits / 1 high school credit

Calc 2 w/Geometry - 5 credits / 1 high school credit

Calc 3 w/Geometry - 4 credits / 1 high school credit


Calc without geometry and College Geometry by itself are two other course options.



I was also looking at the CC in the Keys last week, as we may move there and there the sequence is:


College Algebra - 3 credits / 1 high school credit

Trig - 3 credits / 1 high school credit

Calc 1 w/Geometry - 4 credits / 1 high school credit

Calc 2 w/Geometry - 4 credits / 1 high school credit

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One other consideration. Have you looked into how those credits transfer to public universities? Here in NC, there is a menu of math classes at the CCs which offer a slower track and a faster track to Calculus. But many of the universities do not give credit toward graduation for every course on the slow track.


For example, at NCSU, regarding Intermediate Algebra:

MA 101 may not be counted as credit toward meeting graduation.


Then they have Precalculus in two forms: a two semester form (Math 107 and 108) and a single semester Precalc with Trig (Math 111). Quoting from the catalog:

Credit is not allowed for both MA 107 and MA 111
Credit is not allowed for both MA 108 and MA 111
Credit in MA 111 does not count toward graduation for students in Engr., Physical & Math. Sci., Design, Biological & Ag. Engr. (Science Program), Biological Sci.(all options),Math. Edu., Forestry, & Textiles. Credit is not allowed for both MA 111 and either MA 107 or MA 108.


Students can use the courses to maintain their full time student status, their class standing (freshman, sophomore, etc.) but they may not all apply to graduation.


I mention this not because I think your son will be using these courses for college credit, but to demonstrate that the universities see duplication of content.


Frankly I would not have subjected my son to the misery of the Intermediate Algebra/College Algebra/Trig/Precalc sequence because of the repetition. For a student with good math skills, I think this would be sheer drudgery. For a student like my son, a kid who fared well in math but did not like the subject, it would have been boring!


What texts are they using? I would take a long look at that Intermediate Algebra book to decide if he should use it. The community college may be using a remedial book. There may be a better one for a bright high school student. Really.


Good luck,


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Hi Sue,


I am familiar with FL CC (and St. Petersburg College as I live in Clearwater)...my oldest will graduate high school and his AA degree in May and I have a 10th grader who started at SPC this year. I want to add that students have to take a math placement test to determine which math class they can start out in. My ds hadn't had algebra 2, so they went directly into MAT 1033 (Intermediate Algebra). It doesn't count as a "math" credit for their AA, but as an elective. College Algebra and above counts fulfill the "math" requirement.


You also need to look at your son's major, as different majors require different math sequences (for example, Engineering requires MAC 1147 (combo of Trig/Pre-Cal) and the Calculus I,II, III, with Analytical Geometry, whereas Business doesn't require the Calculus with Analytical Geometry, but Applied Calculus).


I don't really understand how SPC and the schools determine the credit hours. Some of the courses only receive .5 high school credit...when I know he has spent just as much time or more on those classes than classes he was awarded 1.0 high school credits! In the end, it didn't matter for us. We were aiming to get his AA degree and not concerned so much about "high school" credits. He will graduate with his AA (and 78 college credit hours) and 28.5 high school credits (using the dual enrollment equivalency numbers). The classes will transfer to the university level also since Florida community colleges have a reciprocal agreement with the state universities.


For our family, the cc route works. It's been great for both of them to learn how to study/prepare for college classes while they are at home and while I can help organize them! It has given them independence and two years of free college (we pay for books).


Good luck with your decision! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about SPC!

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I just started considering having ds take math classes at CC in 10th grade. Math is his strongest subject, and I've been told more than once to start him at CC in a strong subject. I found that the CC has this sequence and the high school credit value:

Intermediate Algebra - 1/2 credit

College Algebra - 1 credit

Trigonometry - 1 credit

Pre-Calculus Algebra - 1 credit

Calculus with Analytic Geometry - 1 credit


I find this very strange and I am quite distressed over it for some reason. Perhaps because it was my understanding that College Algebra and Pre-Calculus Algebra are the same thing.

Don't be distressed! "College Algebra" and "Pre-Calculus Algebra" are pretty much the same thing. Both are offered to serve different types of students. I found a CC catalog with the courses you listed in your next post, and I found that some programs require "College Algebra" (Athletic Training, Business, Nursing, Pre-Physical Therapy...) and others require "Pre-Calculus Algebra" (Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Professional Health...) as part of their A.A. transfer plans. If your son is strong in Math, then he should take "Pre-Calculus Algebra" only and skip the "College Algebra".


I also find it extremely strange that College Algebra and Trigonometry are each considered a year's worth of high school math. No high school I know of spends a year on College Algebra or Trigonometry.

There are a number of high schools that do this; the high school I attended did for one. Back then, students who took honors math had to take double up junior year with "Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry" and "College Algebra" if they wanted to take Calculus senior year. Students who took GT (Gifted & Talented) math courses (like me :D)took a single Precalculus course sophomore year.


I'm starting to think that two years of Precalculus make more sense. There is so much material in Precalculus textbooks that there is no way for me to teach it in one year. I wish that the school where I teach would change to a two-year format, but alas, no. We need to increase our enrollment for the AP Calculus AB class, after all... :mad: I think some will argue that some students are not ready to take a Precalculus course in the 11th grade and could benefit from taking it in two years. I myself have seen some students who did fine taking Algebra I 8th grade, Algebra II 9th grade, and Geometry 10th grade, only to flounder in Precalculus 11th grade.


How many times have I heard that CC classes cover a year's worth of high school material in a semester? That seems to be true of the foreign language, English, and science classes (with lab) here. Why not the math?

There are a number of colleges/universities/community colleges that offer Precalculus in two semester courses: one in College Algebra and one in Trig. Others offer Precalculus in two variants: a two-semester format and an intensive one-semester format. Again, with the amount of material that could be classified as "Precalculus," I think it's justified for colleges to offer it as a two-semester course. (I also hold the notion that 1 year HS course = 1 sem. college course.)




Edited by eumyang
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There's definitely something worthwhile to be gained from a geometry course. It's the first introduction to proofs many students get. I'd encourage after an algebra 1 course taking a geometry course.


Intermediate Algebra is kind of Algebra 2 (although ideally an algebra 2 course would go a bit further than our intermediate algebra course).


If your son is strong in math, unless you know the feel of the school, I might not have him taking cc math courses until calculus (if you're able to get him a challenge outside). I'd go with a private tutor or if he's good, try the AoPS courses. The students in the intermediate algebra course are often pretty weak (but I'm teaching nights - it's a different type of student).


Don't know how much this helps, but these are my thoughts... And do check their site for a flowchart and look also at prereqs.

Thanks for your thoughts, Dana.


Maybe I wasn't clear. Ds had Algebra 1 last year in 8th grade and we are covering Geometry this year in 9th grade.


Their sequence is Int Alg->College Alg->Trig->Pre-Calc Alg->Calculus. They do offer a combined Pre-Calc Alg+Trig class.


I have a degree in math, so teaching any of this is not a problem. I'm considering CC for math mostly because I have grown weary of the battle.

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My experience meshes with Basketmaker Amy. INTRO to Alg. is the one that is a remedial class--no college credit, no de $$.


They only take Interm. Alg if they don't score high enough to be in College Alg. At our cc (which has to have the state standards, like all the others) you have to have an ACT 19 in Math to take Statistics &/or Interm. Alg. (MAT 1033) For College Alg, it's a 21 ACT, 480 SAT or 98 CPT.


If your ds has a clue what he wants to do for a career, just look at the reqs for that degree. I would think like he's out of hs and is trying to meet the requirement for the BA/S.


I don't blame you for being ticked at the hs/de credit thing from your county. As a homeschooler, you're welcome to ignore it and the state schools we've talked to (USF, FGCU) re-calculate GPA's anyway so I wouldn't sweat it.

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One other consideration. Have you looked into how those credits transfer to public universities? Here in NC, there is a menu of math classes at the CCs which offer a slower track and a faster track to Calculus. But many of the universities do not give credit toward graduation for every course on the slow track.


I haven't, but that's a good point. I don't really care if any of it, besides Calculus, transfers to whatever 4 year. I don't really consider anything before Calculus as college level. Our goal is 4 years of high school basketball and 4 years of college basketball, so I'm not trying to graduate him early either place.

I mention this not because I think your son will be using these courses for college credit, but to demonstrate that the universities see duplication of content.


I don't blame them. It looks like duplication of content to me.

Frankly I would not have subjected my son to the misery of the Intermediate Algebra/College Algebra/Trig/Precalc sequence because of the repetition. For a student with good math skills, I think this would be sheer drudgery. For a student like my son, a kid who fared well in math but did not like the subject, it would have been boring!


I'm starting to suspect that this would be the case. Yes, ds is strong in math but his passion is for athletics.

What texts are they using? I would take a long look at that Intermediate Algebra book to decide if he should use it. The community college may be using a remedial book. There may be a better one for a bright high school student. Really.


Int Alg uses Lial which I considered

College Alg uses Plato - never heard of it

Trig uses McKeague - never heard of it

Pre-Calc Alg uses Larson

Pre-Calc Alg+Trig (I didn't mention this one earlier) uses Sullivan - never heard of it

Calculus uses Larson


Thanks, Jane. I was hoping you would weigh in.

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Trig uses McKeague - never heard of it


I've got an Intermediate Algebra text by Charles P McKeague. I have been impressed with the exercise sets. Doesn't say anything for trig, of course, but I like what I've seen with this text.


College Algebra as prereq for PreCalc is very weird. If you don't have uniform course descriptions across your cc's, it may be a warning sign about the school. I once looked at a published plan of study in a college catalog that recommended students take College Algebra and Calculus at the same time. It was not a good school.


OTOH, I wonder if they added in the precalc algebra since so many students are really weak in algebra. They may be trying to refresh algebra (or really get people to learn it) before taking calculus. Still... strange...

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Int Alg uses Lial which I considered

College Alg uses Plato - never heard of it

Trig uses McKeague - never heard of it

Pre-Calc Alg uses Larson

Pre-Calc Alg+Trig (I didn't mention this one earlier) uses Sullivan - never heard of it

Calculus uses Larson





My daughter took College Algebra and Trigonometry at our local community college. The book that she used there, for both classes, was Sullivan's PreCalculus. She (and my husband who tutors math) both thought the book was fine. She had used Lial's for Algebra I and II and Jacobs' Geometry.




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I looked at that catalog again and you are right. That is odd. Your best bet then is to contact the math department at that CC for clarification.


Good to know it is odd. I wanted to ask here first, but I will contact the math dept as well.


I took a Statistics class at the CC last summer for "fun". I thoroughly enjoyed the class. I am going to email my former teacher and ask him if he would discuss the math sequence with me. He used to teach at a local high school, so he ought to be able to enlighten me.

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Folks, today has been one of those days. I wanted to respond to each person individually, but I need to go to bed.


I appreciate all the thoughts and advice. Thanks especially to Amy and K for the FL view. You may be hearing more from me.


BTW, ds has no clue what he wants to do when he grows up. He's starting to get the clue that he probably won't make the NBA, and he's at a loss for a Plan B.


:grouphug: You ladies (and gentlemen if there are any) are the best.

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Hi Sue,


I am familiar with FL CC (and St. Petersburg College as I live in Clearwater)...my oldest will graduate high school and his AA degree in May and I have a 10th grader who started at SPC this year. I want to add that students have to take a math placement test to determine which math class they can start out in. My ds hadn't had algebra 2, so they went directly into MAT 1033 (Intermediate Algebra). It doesn't count as a "math" credit for their AA, but as an elective. College Algebra and above counts fulfill the "math" requirement.


You also need to look at your son's major, as different majors require different math sequences (for example, Engineering requires MAC 1147 (combo of Trig/Pre-Cal) and the Calculus I,II, III, with Analytical Geometry, whereas Business doesn't require the Calculus with Analytical Geometry, but Applied Calculus).


I don't really understand how SPC and the schools determine the credit hours. Some of the courses only receive .5 high school credit...when I know he has spent just as much time or more on those classes than classes he was awarded 1.0 high school credits! In the end, it didn't matter for us. We were aiming to get his AA degree and not concerned so much about "high school" credits. He will graduate with his AA (and 78 college credit hours) and 28.5 high school credits (using the dual enrollment equivalency numbers). The classes will transfer to the university level also since Florida community colleges have a reciprocal agreement with the state universities.


For our family, the cc route works. It's been great for both of them to learn how to study/prepare for college classes while they are at home and while I can help organize them! It has given them independence and two years of free college (we pay for books).


Good luck with your decision! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about SPC!

Thanks for piping in. I'm local, too and I appreciate your real town experience.


This is what I expected. I was shocked by the need for both College Algebra and Pre-Calc Algebra. All the classes are 3 units. Calculus and the combined Pre-Calc Alg/Trig class are 5 units.
Perhaps the expectation of never finishing a text is a factor? I see "intermediate Alg." as "high school Alg 2" so I can understand the 1/2 credit. Seems like I read that pre-Calc Alg. OR pre-calc alg/trig was the plan, though.


Int Alg uses Lial which I considered

College Alg uses Plato - never heard of it

Trig uses McKeague - never heard of it

Pre-Calc Alg uses Larson

Pre-Calc Alg+Trig (I didn't mention this one earlier) uses Sullivan - never heard of it

Calculus uses Larson


Thanks, Jane. I was hoping you would weigh in.

Really happy to see the text samples. It will be nice to back up either class with additional DVDs if necessary.


Folks, today has been one of those days. I wanted to respond to each person individually, but I need to go to bed.


I appreciate all the thoughts and advice. Thanks especially to Amy and K for the FL view. You may be hearing more from me.


BTW, ds has no clue what he wants to do when he grows up. He's starting to get the clue that he probably won't make the NBA, and he's at a loss for a Plan B.


:grouphug: You ladies (and gentlemen if there are any) are the best.

Sue, if you don't post openly on this matter, can I trouble you to include me in your discovery. I plan on putting ds in math next year, too, only he's on a different path. He'll start w/ Geometry,as he'll finish up Alg 2 this year. I'm hoping he'll test well to get him started in his math journey....Calc 3 for Engineers :001_huh:
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Sue, if you don't post openly on this matter, can I trouble you to include me in your discovery. I plan on putting ds in math next year, too, only he's on a different path. He'll start w/ Geometry,as he'll finish up Alg 2 this year. I'm hoping he'll test well to get him started in his math journey....Calc 3 for Engineers :001_huh:

I've contacted my old prof and asked if I can discuss with him or if there is someone better to ask. I'll let you know.


Tina, I found a flowchart here. They don't offer Geometry at all.

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Sue does the CC offer a placement test? That might get him out of the college algebra requirement.

Yes, the college has a placement test. I plan on having him take it in April. I have a hard time believing that he would test out of College Algebra, but I suppose it could happen. With the math he has been doing in Physics this year, he's definitely learned some Trig at least.

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I've contacted my old prof and asked if I can discuss with him or if there is someone better to ask. I'll let you know.


Tina, I found a flowchart here. They don't offer Geometry at all.

Thank you. That is interesting. Well, I guess that means FLVS for Geometry :)


Looking forward to what you discover. That might be nice anyways...start him with one CC class instead of 2 and just build up in FLVS.

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One other consideration. Have you looked into how those credits transfer to public universities?

This question embarrasses me on so many levels. I'll start with the first level - I don't know how to find out how those credits transfer to public universities.

:confused: :blushing: :blush5: :confused1:





The second level will have to be in another thread when I am ready for public true confessions. :leaving:

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This question embarrasses me on so many levels. I'll start with the first level - I don't know how to find out how those credits transfer to public universities.

:confused: :blushing: :blush5: :confused1:





The second level will have to be in another thread when I am ready for public true confessions. :leaving:


Here in NC, the CCs have an articulation agreement with the state unis. Thus there is a common numbering system with the CC courses. The unis can call their courses anything they want, but if you go to their course catalogs, you'll get a feel for what courses are valid for specific tracks (humanities vs. engineering, etc.).


Sue, why not make a phone call to a math department at your favorite university and ask? Find out how they feel about CC transfer and AP while you are at it. Tell them what your CC recommended and note you feel it is repetitive. Do they agree?

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I have grown up in the cc system of the state of Florida as my father worked for one for 35 years. CC have an excellent articulation agreement with the state universities. The course numberings are the same. If you ever have a problem with matching up a course, call the university and ask.


I wouldn't get hung up with the "titles" of the classes. If your son hasn't taken Algebra II, then the classes will definitely be something new!


The CPT will determine what class he will start out in. My sons started with Intermediate Algebra in 10th grade (after having Geometry). It won't count towards their AA degree, but will count as an "elective." This class class under dual enrollment for only the cost of the books. It counting as an "elective" really doesn't matter as they will be having to take several math classes for their majors.


Choosing a math track becomes important after they finish College Algebra. My sons are thinking accounting and computer science engineering and the sequences for them are different. As we say so often on this board, "it all depends on the child" and on the college board, "check with the universities you are interested in attending."


I have been very pleased with SPC. My oldest has had classes at four campuses: Clearwater, Gibbs, Tarpon Springs, and Seminole...plus some online!


Please feel free to contact me through a pm if you have any other questions as sometimes I don't check the board.

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This question embarrasses me on so many levels. I'll start with the first level - I don't know how to find out how those credits transfer to public universities.

:confused: :blushing: :blush5: :confused1:





The second level will have to be in another thread when I am ready for public true confessions. :leaving:

Hey, I know this one :) The course numbers will be the same. I found this out as I researched math at SPC and USF and realized the course numbers were identical. So, to avoid any phone conversation, you could go to the school you're thinking of and pull up course numbers.

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Hey, I know this one :) The course numbers will be the same. I found this out as I researched math at SPC and USF and realized the course numbers were identical. So, to avoid any phone conversation, you could go to the school you're thinking of and pull up course numbers.

OMG! They are the same. I just checked UF. So, at least the state schools don't see duplication of content.


Part of the reason I am so surprised by all of this is that when I was an undergraduate, Calculus was the first math class offered.

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