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Urgent help - Crating dogs

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At the end of my rope with my male dog Jasper and need to sort crating today. Please help. Please tell me everything i need to know from buying a crate to using it.


We actually have 2 dogs, a female Indy too. They are both whippets. Can we crate them together? Do they need a bed in their crate? Obviously they need water in there. Can i put the crates outside or do they need to be inside?


I've never crated a dog before. Thanks for your help :001_smile:

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You will need a crate large enough for your dog to stand comfortably and turn around easily. Not sure how old your dog is, but if he is a puppy, you want it large enough for that, but not large enough to use one end as a bathroom and sleep in the other. If your dog is fully housebroken, this is not such a concern.


I don't know how/when you are planning to use the crate. I did not put water in with my dog when she was in the crate, because she could not then get out to go to the bathroom, but we also did not have to use the crate for long periods of time. I'm sure someone has some experience with that question.


We put lambswool in for our dog to cuddle upon. She seemed to like that, and I could throw it in the washer when needed.


I would not recommend crating two dogs together. It could lead to fights, and you might come home to an ugly scene.


Good luck with your doggies!

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I used to have a neurotic Siberian Husky that we crated. It went a long way to calming her anxiety. She was only crated when we weren't home (although she would lie in there with the door open all the time). We did not put any bedding or water in there with her. She was not in there for more than a few hours at a time. If you are using a crate because of house training problems, bedding will provide them a place to soil and cover it up, defeating the purpose.


I don't know about crating two dogs together. A crate for a single dog should be large enough for them to stand up with their head up and to move around enough to do the typical spin-around before lying down.


We always kept our dog's crate inside. The bottom is usually metal and I would think it would get very cold kept outside. Also, being outside and seeing other animals could make a crated dog very anxious and excitable. If kept outside, I would definitely find a way to keep water in the crate in warm weather. You will have to be careful that they don't knock it over and get stuck without water in the heat.


Hope that helps. We had long discussions with both a trainer and our veterinarian before making the decision to crate our dog. It wasn't a punishment for her, it was her security and her "den".

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At the end of my rope with my male dog Jasper and need to sort crating today. Please help. Please tell me everything i need to know from buying a crate to using it.


We actually have 2 dogs, a female Indy too. They are both whippets. Can we crate them together? Do they need a bed in their crate? Obviously they need water in there. Can i put the crates outside or do they need to be inside?


I've never crated a dog before. Thanks for your help :001_smile:


Can you describe a little more about why you want to crate? housetraining accidents? destructive behavior when your gone (or home)? What behaviors are you having trouble with?

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Can you describe a little more about why you want to crate? housetraining accidents? destructive behavior when your gone (or home)? What behaviors are you having trouble with?


He is very destructive when you are not watching him. It started with the vegetable garden. Early in the morning and late in the evening he dug up and or ate everything we planted so we gave up. Next it was the trampoline. We went out one afternoon and came home to find he had jumped on the trampoline and destroyed all the matting around the outer edge. Then he ate DH's weight bench. This morning i woke to find he had chewed up and ripped to shreds the wading pool we bought for the kids yesterday afternoon. He is also digging holes in the lawn. All this happens while we are out, or overnight, before we wake up.


I know it is Jasper because i have caught him and growled at him several times. Indy couldn't care less about anything of ours.


They have plenty of toys and bones, we have a large yard, we play with them, we walk them etc. I just can't take the destruction anymore, the wasted money is hard to swallow!


I would be crating overnight and when we are away from the house. Generally we are only out for short periods during the week 1-3 hours a couple of times. Once a month or so we go up to the city for appointments and are gone all day.


ETA - We do have them inside overnight but they go out at 5.30am when DH goes to work and wont come back in and settle down. Often i get up at 7am to find the damage.

Edited by Amber in AUS
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Crate them apart. I like wire crates. If he's fully grown, you want one "just big enough" for them to stand up... and turn around. I wouldn't put anything in it for cuddles, until you see if he chews. Our trainer said not till the dog is at least 2 because he had seen enough dogs that had to have surgery because they'd tear/chew the blanket or bed.

Call it one thing kennel or crate or whatever you wanna say. "Kennel Brownie" is ours :) He runs right inside. You can encourage them in by feeding their food in there, giving a treat when they go... etc.

I got my dog fully grown, and the first time I had to leave, I had to force him inside... Not the way I would have chosen.. but he loves his crate... so I guess it was ok.

I actually have 3 of the same crates, one in my van, one upstairs and one downstairs. We keep him closest to wherever we are.

If you have a black dog, there are other colors besides black. I didn't know that when I got my crate... oh well.

When you go to let them out, you don't get excited... you just say in a normal calm voice... "good pup" or something. Also, don't just put them in there when you leave.... put them in a few times a day for a few minutes... let out... praise calmly with a treat if you want... or a head rub. The other thing is don't run to grab them out when you get home. Only let them out (within reason) when they are calm... even if you have to wait a few minutes.

They really do start to think of it as home. When I go to sleep upstairs... my dog will often walk himself in and stay without the door being closed. For us, the crate saved our sanity and made it so that we can contain our dog when necessary... it's made for a happier family!! (And, we don't leave him in all the time...) Also, when I go to our co-op I take him with us, so I can give him a break half way through the days since it's a long day.... And he's still fine just sprinting back in after his ball and fetch...


BTW, if you need an easy way to have them run... the tennis balls with the throwers are SOOO easy... although you may have to exercise one dog at a time if they tend to be aggressive when there's one toy (which I think many dogs are?? I only have one :))

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After seeing your update, I wanted to say that going out at 5:30 and then going back in the crate till you wake would be perfect. :) Also, if I were you I'd think about feeding raw. I can't tell you how it helped my dog to use his mouth for real chewing!!! If you absolutely won't think of it... Kongs... filled with their food is another good thing. If you can get the black ones, that's what you want. You put kibble and warm water :) and then fill up the kong. It makes a doggy ice lolly. :) For me, I would do 3 for the morning meal and 3 for the dinner meal. It was wonderful!! 15 minutes of him eating for each Kong :)



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So, what is the exchange? We can get ours for around $60 -$80:) The kongs should be around whatever $16 is worth...

Dollar for dollar these days. Or near enough. I think the retailers are not being very fair with regards to pricing here in Aussie, they do like to overcharge us! We pay double what you guys do for most items.


Amber, I'm reading this with interest as we are looking at buying a boxer puppy and plan to crate train from the start.

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Sorry to sound a bit ignorant here but what is the problem with restraining your dog on a leash? I grew up on a farm and when dogs were making nuisance of themselves they would be put on a leash either at night or during the day for shorter periods. I hadn't heard of crating until I read this thread - am genuinely interested.





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we put our dog on a lead all night. It is off all day, we live in a rural property, and if we don't tie it up it chases bandicoots , wallabies and possums all night. The dog doesn't mind at all, the lead is long enough that she can reach her doghouse on the veranda, and go at least 2 m out onto the grass.

she is waiting every evening at her lead to be tied up.

I would think being on a lead with lots of room to move for a few hours a day would be more dog friendly than shoving them into a box that they can just turn around in.

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Sorry to sound a bit ignorant here but what is the problem with restraining your dog on a leash? I grew up on a farm and when dogs were making nuisance of themselves they would be put on a leash either at night or during the day for shorter periods. I hadn't heard of crating until I read this thread - am genuinely interested.






Unfortunately it is illegal to tether a dog unless you are present, watching the dog where i live. All the working farm dogs here are crated or kennelled in a run because of this law.


I'm now the owner of 2 crates. I put the dogs mats inside them and they sniffed about and have happily fallen asleep inside with the doors open. I have treated and praised. They seem very happy at the moment.

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So, what is the exchange? We can get ours for around $60 -$80:) The kongs should be around whatever $16 is worth...


I paid $200 per crate discounted, they are Kramar brand. I skipped the Kongs, they were $32 each. Like Sandra said the rate is about one for one at the moment. We are getting ripped off big time on some things. I did look around and the pricing was similar at a couple of stores.


I will just make iceblocks in a couple of plastic containers and tip them out to start with and pick up the Kongs next time.


Sandra - One thing we did with our 2 when they were puppies was put a cat bell on their collar. When they needed to go out overnight we would hear the bell when they got up and we could then put them out. We never had a night time accident in the house.

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Unfortunately it is illegal to tether a dog unless you are present, watching the dog where i live. All the working farm dogs here are crated or kennelled in a run because of this law.

Thanks for that. I assume the law is statewide, so my parents probably ignore it because it isn't enforced in the 'middle of no-where' part of the state they call home.

I paid $200 per crate discounted, they are Kramar brand.

Ouch! An expensive day out. At least you can relax now and save on the damage bill.


BTW - I notice your little one is home. Belated congratulations!

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I hope the crating works - sounds like a good solution for those early morning unsupervised times. If you find he's doing this at other times, he may be stressed and something like the Thundershirt might be helpful. It's essentially a "vest" that fits snuggly and makes them feel more secure and can stop "nervous" types of behaviors.


I think crates are great for dogs. You'll probably find them voluntarily going there often as they like having their own space, especially with little ones around. Make sure that the children know that they're to be left alone when they're in their crate.

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Updating to say the first night in the crates went really well. Both dogs slept in their crates on and off all afternoon yesterday with the doors open. DH took them out for a pit stop about 11pm then put them in their crates for the night. They didn't complain one little bit. DH took them out at 6am for another pit stop then they went back in the crates until we all got up at 7.30am. At that time they were rewarded with a great game in the yard and some breakfast, they have been in and out all day. I think we have found our solution :)

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Updating to say the first night in the crates went really well. Both dogs slept in their crates on and off all afternoon yesterday with the doors open. DH took them out for a pit stop about 11pm then put them in their crates for the night. They didn't complain one little bit. DH took them out at 6am for another pit stop then they went back in the crates until we all got up at 7.30am. At that time they were rewarded with a great game in the yard and some breakfast, they have been in and out all day. I think we have found our solution :)


Great! I love crates and so do our dogs.

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