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In need of Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free recipes

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The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) has a recipe section.




We have been gluten free for almost a year. The adjustment is difficult. However, if your friend is not allergic to nuts, there are many good quick-bread recipes using nut flours. Just Google around a bit. We are nut allergic, so I can't help you there. Sorry.



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Fruit crisps made with GF oats and coconut oil in place of the butter? I often make substitutions for eggs in baking, but I have no idea if they would work with a GF flour blend. Are you looking for sweet or savory recipes?

Both, I suppose. I think she tried the GF flour blend without eggs and it was too crumbly. What have you used for substitutes?


The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) has a recipe section.




We have been gluten free for almost a year. The adjustment is difficult. However, if your friend is not allergic to nuts, there are many good quick-bread recipes using nut flours. Just Google around a bit. We are nut allergic, so I can't help you there. Sorry.


She isn't allergic to nuts.

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I recommend The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook by Marjorie Jones. Saying that - the only grain I've been able to use to make pancakes (without eggs) is buckwheat. Every other grain crumbles. I use a Vitamix (or other blender) to make the batter from the grain. I also add oil (olive, canola, avocado) to make up for calories from not using dairy/nuts.


There are also rice cakes, Erewhon Rice Twice cereal, Arrowhead Mills Organic Maple Buckwheat Flakes available. The latter 2 I use Amazon Subscribe & Save (15% + free shipping) for 6-packs. For treats, I give ds Ian's allergy-free chicken nuggets and fish sticks (sparingly). There's also Alphabits (potato in the shape of the alphabet).


Everything else is cooked from scratch - brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, meat, fish, fruits & vegetables. My ds is also allergic to soy so no type of milk for him; I add calcium citrate to his apple juice.

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For eggs, I use 1 T. flax meal mixed with 1/4 coconut milk or applesauce. I use a combination of 1c. garbonzo bean flour, 1/2 c. tapioca flour and 1/2 c. potato starch for muffins and scones. For cookies, I use white rice flour instead of garbonzo bean. I use mixes like Pamela's brownie an chocolate cake mix. I use some applesauce to lighten them up. I use shortening from the health food store. I have not been able to make any baked goods work w/o shortening.

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I have a friend, due to allergies, has gone completely off of gluten, dairy and eggs. Do you have any tasty recipes to share? How about what to substitute for eggs in baking?


The best substitute for eggs I've found is Ener-G egg replacer. I think the main ingredient is tapioca flour. You just mix it with some water or rice milk and it works just like eggs in baked goods.


The best baked recipes we've found have come from the Allergen-free Baker's Handbook. The Gluten-free goddess blog has also been really useful. Good luck and you are a sweet friend to bake for her!

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The Gluten-free goddess blog has also been really useful. Good luck and you are a sweet friend to bake for her!


That blog is wonderful.

The EnerG replacer is a good one. Many egg replacers actually USE egg white. True. Weird, but true.



You could always take her fruit. Veggies. ANYTHING prepared is always welcome, even if it's just sliced up vegetables for snacking... And, ya know, if she isn't floored by your sweet gesture, I can send you my address. :)

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