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Please help! Ideas for a couples banquet

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WE would like to add some fun activities, maybe a game? to a sweetheart banquet. This is a church related function with the idea to focus on and strengthen marriages. It's in a rustic banquet hall. No extra space for anything like a relay race:lol:.

Dh and I are chiefly responsible for making it a special, romantic, fun evening. If it makes any diff. about 25 couples are expected. We're planning on having a talk and giving out The Love Dare. I am thinking of getting together about 6 basket-like gifts, so the activities or games can have some winners.

Any ideas??

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How about the "I Have Never..." game? Do you know that one?


Or have a questionnaire that each person answers for himself, then he has to answer the same questionnaire with what his spouse would say. Then they compare answers, either outloud in a group or just w/each other.


Can't think of any others right now. It sounds like it'll be a fun evening!

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We've done this before with the largely the same group, give or take some.


We already did the both fill out a questionaire and then compare. That was alot of fun. Thanks for that though, as that is the kind of thing I'm looking for.


Tell me about the "I have never.."game. It's not ringing any bells.

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our church did a version of the newlewed game. They picked a few couples and had them interviewed separately in front of everyone. Asked questions like "where was your first date; first kiss; what was the worst gift he ever got you? How do you know when they are really mad?" then they brought the men in and asked them the same questions. It was very funny. Each couple got points for having the same answers.

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The "I Have Never..." game--from about.com


Object of the Game: To be the last person still in the game.

Items Needed: Several items to use as tokens. A deck of cards, pieces of paper, or marbles work well as tokens. You could use conversation hearts.

Preparation: Hand out the same number of tokens to each person. Usually ten per person works best.



Directions: Have everyone sit in a circle around the room. Start with one person and then go in order around the circle over and over until the game is over with only one person left with one or more tokens. Have each person, when it is their turn, say something they have never done (or had done to them), but which they think or know others in the circle have. All those in the circle who have done what the person names must put one token in the center of the circle. Once someone turns in their last token they are out of the game.


Example: Ten people are playing and each person is given ten cards as tokens. The first person says, "I've never been on a mission." Four of the players have served missions and must put their tokens (one card) in the middle, they now have nine tokens (cards) left. The next in order says, "I've never had a tooth cavity." Everyone else admits they have and must give up a token. The third person says, "I've never been on a plane." Etc. At the end the last person with one or more tokens wins.

Note: Some people use their fingers as tokens, dropping a finger each time they must give up a token, but I find this less accurate as people always use their hands for things and may forget. Another variation of the game is to do it opposite, to say things you have done, but I find it much more difficult for people to come up with things they have done that others haven't, then the other way around.

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The "I Have Never..." game--from about.com


Object of the Game: To be the last person still in the game.


Items Needed: Several items to use as tokens. A deck of cards, pieces of paper, or marbles work well as tokens.You could use conversation hearts.


Preparation: Hand out the same number of tokens to each person. Usually ten per person works best.



Directions: Have everyone sit in a circle around the room. Start with one person and then go in order around the circle over and over until the game is over with only one person left with one or more tokens. Have each person, when it is their turn, say something they have never done (or had done to them), but which they think or know others in the circle have. All those in the circle who have done what the person names must put one token in the center of the circle. Once someone turns in their last token they are out of the game.


Example: Ten people are playing and each person is given ten cards as tokens. The first person says, "I've never been on a mission." Four of the players have served missions and must put their tokens (one card) in the middle, they now have nine tokens (cards) left. The next in order says, "I've never had a tooth cavity." Everyone else admits they have and must give up a token. The third person says, "I've never been on a plane." Etc. At the end the last person with one or more tokens wins.

Note: Some people use their fingers as tokens, dropping a finger each time they must give up a token, but I find this less accurate as people always use their hands for things and may forget. Another variation of the game is to do it opposite, to say things you have done, but I find it much more difficult for people to come up with things they have done that others haven't, then the other way around.


This sounds great too! Thanks so much! But how could you do this with so many people. About 50-60. Unless have the couples do it together? Example: 10 hearts per couple. They say "We have never been to Europe, or we have never had a fight =)" That way couples would be out together. Am I right?

Edited by kamom
adding a question
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This could be done as a couples cooperation game:


Wrap a gift (doesn't have to be expensive) very well. Lots of tape, difficult to open. Then, have the person/couple try to open it while wearing oven mitts. It gets to be pretty funny what people will do to open these gifts. I did this at a baby shower once and everyone had a great time.

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This sounds great too! Thanks so much! But how could you do this with so many people. About 50-60. Unless have the couples do it together? Example: 10 hearts per couple. They say "We have never been to Europe, or we have never had a fight =)" That way couples would be out together. Am I right?


I've never done it w/couples, but it sounds like it would work. Otherwise, you could divide into smaller groups.

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