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Look What I Did on My Blog...............(please)

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Looks delicious! I'm making this for dinner soon! I think I'll add chopped tomatoes. (WE LOVE TOMATOES)


Ps. The first time your blog mentions the recipe it says, "Yellow Beans and Black Rice"


:svengo: The whole time I was typing, I kept typing that and I thought I caught all of them. THANK YOU! Even when I say it, I tend to say yellow beans and black rice. Good grief!

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Looks good.


What could be subsituted for the peppers?

(asks she who no longer eats peppers)


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, julienne carrots - I would till saute them.


Mushrooms -- do you eat mushrooms? Sauteed mushrooms.


Dh and I have also made this dish with ground beef - we brown the ground beef separately and add it to the finished yellow rice. We have also used cooked chicken (usually leftover from the night before) - chop and add when rice is finished cooking. And, we have sauteed shrimp and added that as well.


It is also good with just the black beans and yellow rice.:)

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This looks yummy - what is yellow rice? Can I add something to my brown rice to make this dish "yellow" tonight? I await your answer (because I have everything else)!


It's apparently the saffron that makes the rice yellow, and everything I've read says that brown rice doesn't take saffron well. Jasmine and basmati take saffron well. :confused: I am trying to imagine this made with brown rice, and I think it would need something more.......but I am not sure what.


I do think that brown rice with the carrots and black beans would be good -- I would pass on the peppers - maybe - with the brown rice - but that's me.

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Thank you so much! My son would like me to teach him to cook some gluten-free dishes and this looks perfect. I've been hoping to turn this picky eater on to bean dishes and yours looks so delicious it might just do the trick!


Hope there are more to come!:001_smile:


Thank you so much for this recipe!!! I can't wait to get to the grocery store and buy the ingredients, looks so delish!



You are both so very nice -- thank you! I'll update here when I put up another recipe -- you know, it's a simple recipe but with dd11 and me taking photos, it took 2 hours to make a dish that normally takes 20 minutes from start to finish. :D

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Very Nice Mariann! Next thing we know you will be on all the talk shows and putting together your own recipe book. :)


Would the cover of the book include the Hummer or the AGA?


I figured you had help, M. There were two sets of hands in those pics - one well manicured and polished, the other well manicured but no polish.



Make sure you credit your sous chef.

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Would the cover of the book include the Hummer or the AGA?


I figured you had help, M. There were two sets of hands in those pics - one well manicured and polished, the other well manicured but no polish.



Make sure you credit your sous chef.



You don't miss a trick! I was the well-manicured one with polish -- and thank you -- I think I am wearing 'Romeo and Joliet' by OPI. I will tell dd that you thought she was well-manicured without polish -- THAT will make her happy.


DD11 was helping me -- I took photos of her initially as it took her a little while to get the hang of not moving when she took the photo.


Sheesh -- my guess is the AGA has to go on the cover --


Stay tuned for the cookie how to photos -- I took just about all the photos for those and both girls helped.:)

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ummm, yeah, the recipe looks great, but where are our pictures of your STOVE?! :D


The stove photos are in another blog entry from about ten days ago, and the stove gets alot of visibility in the cookie how to photos which will probably go up tomorrow night.


And, thank you for asking.:)

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The stove photos are in another blog entry from about ten days ago, and the stove gets alot of visibility in the cookie how to photos which will probably go up tomorrow night.


And, thank you for asking.:)


Ohh yeah, I'm there. I have some serious stove lust.


Beans and rice are my almost all time favorite meal (in whatever form), so I'm with you on that one. :001_smile:


Ohh I found it! Be still my heart! *lovesthestove*

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This looks yummy - what is yellow rice? Can I add something to my brown rice to make this dish "yellow" tonight? I await your answer (because I have everything else)!


It's apparently the saffron that makes the rice yellow, and everything I've read says that brown rice doesn't take saffron well. Jasmine and basmati take saffron well. :confused: I am trying to imagine this made with brown rice, and I think it would need something more.......but I am not sure what.

Are there other things in the rice besides saffron? I had a yellow rice & black bean mix once that I picked up at the grocery store (it wasn't Goya), and it had a variety of seasonings to give it flavor. It was really good.

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This looks yummy - what is yellow rice? Can I add something to my brown rice to make this dish "yellow" tonight? I await your answer (because I have everything else)!



I've done something similar to this with brown rice, but I also added a jar of salsa to give it more flavor. It's not yellow, but the kids and I like it.

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Are there other things in the rice besides saffron? I had a yellow rice & black bean mix once that I picked up at the grocery store (it wasn't Goya), and it had a variety of seasonings to give it flavor. It was really good.


No - just the saffron as I recall. I was reading the ingredients a month or so ago when I was going to prepare this and bring it to a friend who is vegan.


I do throw other spices in this one depending on whom it is cooked for -- for the homeschool potluck (pictured on the blog) I went easy on the spices and added the smallest pinch of salt and little else as we have about 20+ kids at those events.


I think that when I originally cooked it I used to add Cumin.

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I can't wait to try this out! On a completely unrelated note, your blog has the same background as mine :)



We both have good taste! ;) I did have something with daisies all over it, but folks weren't able to make comments so I went back to the blogspot template and it is taking comments again.

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