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I have baby fever!

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I'm wearing flip-flops too!!!!! :tongue_smilie:


Some days I want 10 more and some days, I'm like wtHHHHHH am I thinking?!!! My latest edition is a HANDFUL AND A HALF. Has been her whole life. I keep thinking "but she'll be a lot easier this time next year"... then time keeps cruising and she is... well, a lot like her mama!!!!!! :tongue_smilie: My mom gives me the "payback" talk fairly regularly these days!!! :D

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My youngest is a handful too, and will be beginning speech therapy soon. We're out of bedrooms (not that they can't share, but DH is pretty opposed), we live paycheck to paycheck, we'd be REALLY cramped in our car and/or need a new one, and the list goes on..... I KNOW it wouldn't be the best choice right now, but by golly....I always wanted a larger family. DH is perfectly happy only having 3 - it's his ideal number. So not fair that he gets what he wants by default.


Edited because apparently I can't type after 10:00pm.

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I'm with you. We have 7 and the past few years have been wwwaaayyy overwhelming for us and now with the special needs of ds9...dh is adamant about not wanting more. He is done. Period. Me? I'm crazy enough to want more. One more. But unless God intervenes, we are done.

:iagree: Contemplating number 7, a permanent member not just foster.

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Ha, been having that same conversation here!! I am all for it, yesterday. DH says he would prefer not to, he would like the kids to be out of the house while he is still young-ish (he be looking at mid-50's at this point before all three were off to college)...but with a half-grin, says I usually get what I want anyway.


Today, we go to an indoor pool with other HSers. I see the mommies over there hovering by the shallow end with their toddlers-young PreK. But I got to be one of the mommies who just sit and chat!!!! (DS4 is a great swimmer, but also had on a life jacket and was playing with DS7 and DS12 the whole time, so while I watched, I did not have to "hover"). It's have been years since I got to be one of the "sit and chat" mommies and not a "hover by toddler" mommy! It was sooo nice!!! That definately made me re-think the baby thing today.


So I don't know. One day I do, one day I don't. But I do wish if it were to happen, it would happen this year. We don't usually conceive easily. My biggest "fear" I guess is that we will finally agree that we won't have another and then a year or two down the road, "Surprise!". I told DH that if he is for sure not wanting another, he should have the snip-snip. But golly, I just hate the sound of "we're done with babies".

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Number 4 was probably our most interesting flip flop situation. When we FINALLY decided we'd go for it "eventually", "eventually" decided to be right then, lol.


I adore my 6-week-old (#5), but I do believe I'm finally over Brand New Baby fever. Last night, I mostly-jokingly reminded dh that, even though I'm completely over pregnancy, we could always "get" ourselves an older baby or toddler down the line. When he said "Maybe after we get some more debt paid off," I kind of had a mini-freakout inside, lol, but in a good way.


So, while we're over Baby Fever, I don't see the more general Kid Fever going away any time soon. ;)

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I could have written this post. I want another baby, but DH keeps saying no. In fact every time I bring it up, his exact words are, "Are you crazy?" I am praying his heart will change and that if it is God's will for me to have another baby that it will happen.

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Me too!

I think it's programmed in us women to have that feeling.

Practically speaking I feel like I want to move forward with the ones I have and not have any more babies. However, I wouldn't be surprised if we did have #5 someday. Ironically, I'm scared of the 'suprise' pregnancy too!

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I've had baby fever for five years! I call this a prolonged case. My youngest is 10 almost 11. We have four and would have chosen to have five or six if my body had not chosen to go caput and the doctor told dh I'd die if he got me pregnant again. So, dh is rather adamant about this.


I'm still struggling with the fact that we did not get the six year old girl we thought would be joining our family. CPS placed her with an aunt and uncle who DO NOT WANT HER and make her sleep in a laundry room on a camp cot, because "it's always better for the child to stay within the family." It's a long story so I won't bore you. But, I was REALLY looking forward to having another daughter.


I'm with you.....baby fever is a terrible thing.



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DH and I are still debating the possibility of #4 (I'm pushing hard ladies....it's just not working, lol). Kinda thought we might have had an "oops" last month and I was terrified (DH would NOT have been very happy). But, alas....I have baby fever.


That is all. Sigh.



Me too. Yes, I am willing to give up my hard won, newly acquired six pack.

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Dh and I are both having baby-fever...but in a different way. I am beginning to feel very grandmotherly...but our dd is just not ready, nor even considering a baby yet...sigh.....


So, I make myself happy playing with the babies of her girlfriends who did not invest so much time in their careers and went straight to mommyhood.


If I could get past this fibro flare-up, I would definitely consider foster care...but it would take a miracle right now...not that i don't believe in miracles...:001_smile:



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