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Singapore 1b


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How long did it take you to complete this?


The HIG schedule says 16 weeks and I guess I shouldn't be surprised since it's a half a year of math but I still thought "that's it??" We already worked about 3-4 weeks of the schedule before detouring to BJU Math (:001_huh: to me!). So now I was just trying to estimate how long we will be here. My big girl is already exploring multiplication with her c-rods so that unit won't be new...


So, just for the heck of it, how long did it take your dc to complete 1b? (I know all kids vary, etc...I just want your time frames!!:D)

Edited by MissKNG
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Well, my ds is in 1B now so I don't have a definite number for you, but it looks like it will take a little over half of the school year (maybe a month into the second half of the school year). But we do living math , Speed Math Strategies, and separate drill practice along with Singapore so we may only do Singapore 2-3 times a week.

Edited by Wehomeschool
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DD did 1A and 1B over the summer, and we were schooling about 3x/week, so maybe 6 weeks? However, she'd done most of Saxon 1 and 2 independently while in Kindergarten to keep her out of her teacher's hair, so a lot of it was review. 2A took about 12 weeks, and so far, 2B has taken 8, with two sections left. I'm planning to do review and enrichment and fun stuff until June, when we start our next school year when she finishes, but we'll see if DD will stand for it-she's the kind of kid who loves completing books and doesn't like spinning her wheels. I found a lot of cute-looking math stuff on Scholastic that looks good for her (Fairy Tale Math, for example), so I'm hoping that will keep her happy rather than diving into 3A/3B. I'm a little worried about model drawing. DD's done almost all of Singapore orally so far, and I suspect trying to draw the bars proportionally and divide them evenly will be frustrating for her.

Edited by Dmmetler2
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Something clicked with my 6yo daughter and math this year, so I think 1B will take us about 3 months total (we're finishing now). She totally gets the concepts and I feel like we're just going through the motions to make sure she can do it on paper too.

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My dd went through it more quickly than ds did, but ds did have a lot of days off back then. One of mine did 4 of the books in a year without pushing herself too much. It can take longer with the higher grades if there are sections your dc find challenging for some reason. Dd took a long time to master long division, and ds has it a wall in SM 6B with percent questions (due, in great part, to a bad attitude regarding these particular 4 step probolems,) so we're taking a LOF break until I read The Dominance Factor (he learns so differently than my dd's and is mostly left dominant. I have another book by this author that is excellent, so its enroute from Amazon right now.)

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Thanks for the responses!


So, she just went through about a week's worth of material in about 15 minutes last night...I think I can scratch planning on September! :tongue_smilie:


I'm pretty sure we are going to switch to Standards when we begin 2a but no one can seem to give any specific reasons why the HIG is better than the US!! I guess I'll have to post on the singapore forum.

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I haven't used the US edition HIGs, but I have used the US edition teacher materials, and, to be blunt, the older edition teacher materials pretty much assumed that you already knew why you should break it down this way, so while they gave steps to follow, it was really easy for US born, trained people to end up going "Huh?". Since we actually HAD someone who knew what they were doing with us, that wasn't bad, but I suspect that had we just had the books, most of us would have ended up using Singapore textbooks and teaching using US methods, which would have failed.


The Std edition HiGs do not-they explain step by step what you're doing, and WHY.


I don't use the HiGs much, because I'm reasonably comfortable with Singapore, and usually the textbook is enough for me to know what to do next, but if I have questions, it's easy to go there and get them answered.

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I haven't used the US edition HIGs, but I have used the US edition teacher materials, and, to be blunt, the older edition teacher materials pretty much assumed that you already knew why you should break it down this way, so while they gave steps to follow, it was really easy for US born, trained people to end up going "Huh?". Since we actually HAD someone who knew what they were doing with us, that wasn't bad, but I suspect that had we just had the books, most of us would have ended up using Singapore textbooks and teaching using US methods, which would have failed.


The Std edition HiGs do not-they explain step by step what you're doing, and WHY.


I don't use the HiGs much, because I'm reasonably comfortable with Singapore, and usually the textbook is enough for me to know what to do next, but if I have questions, it's easy to go there and get them answered.


The US HIGs also break it down for the teacher. Like you, I don't use the teacher helps much but they are there. Still wondering what the differences are...

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Thanks for the responses!


So, she just went through about a week's worth of material in about 15 minutes last night...I think I can scratch planning on September! :tongue_smilie:


I'm pretty sure we are going to switch to Standards when we begin 2a but no one can seem to give any specific reasons why the HIG is better than the US!! I guess I'll have to post on the singapore forum.


You might as well scratch planning for a while. In the early years, I gave up planning because they blew through subjects so quickly.


Regarding the HIG comparisons, I have used both (US with oldest, and standards with younger two). I don't know that the teacher guide is any better, but then again I don't use it too much. Since they changed some things around, you will need the HIG to match whichever edition you use.

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