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Science in a Nutshell kits, are they worth it?


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We have only used the Animal Observatory. It was a mistake to get it during the winter because you need access to animals (something that was not explained well on the site). We also had to buy a fish, which died. The activity book and journals were nice, but the kids asked to stop using it. We will try again in the spring. For now they are doing experiments out of Usborne and VanCleave books as well as Thames & Kosmos kits. I think the Nutshell kits are overpriced for what you get, but that is only based on the one kit.

Edited by Veritaserum
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We have only used the Animal Observatory. It was a mistake to get it during the winter because you need access to animals (something that was not examined well on thee site). We also had to buy a fish, which died. The activity book and journal were nice, but the kids asked to stop using it. We will try again in the spring. For now they are doing experiments out of Usborne and VanCleave books as well as Thames & Kosmos kits. I think the Nutshell kits are overpriced for what you get, but that is only based on the one kit.

:grouphug: I hope they have better luck the next run through.

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We are using the Sound one right now with my older two dds. For us, that is six weeks of science (doing it twice a week). We just finished up our second week, so I don't know yet the value for the money. They are priced steeply.


They do have almost "everything" in there, so there isn't much hunting around for things. The teacher's book explains some things, but it doesn't have "the answers" to all the things the kids put in their journals. (If you don't know much about your kit's topic, you might have to read the teacher's stuff carefully for some things so you know your kids got what they were supposed to out of each activity.)


The kids like the activities so far & seem to be learning something I wouldn't have taught them without something structured like this. This kit is at the right 'level' for their ages as I made sure to buy one for their age/grade level.

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We have used a few of them and ds8 liked them. I think they are nice since it mostly there for you, but I also thought some of them were easy... almost too easy. I supplemented some of them with extra experiments and reading so it worked for us.

We are using GEARS right now, and are getting ready to start the PULLEYS set.

I purchased most of mine used. Every once in a while you will find them on this board or www. homeschool classifieds (dot) com (spaces removed).

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We've had a couple, and I really liked them. I'm considering more for next year. One thing I love about them is that they really do include almost everything. Like if you need a paperclip, it'll be in there...none of this "normal household items" nonsense :D Oh, also, the kids enjoyed them and learned a lot. I guess that's almost as important as not having to hunt down paper clips ;)

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