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Best PAN for baking bread in?

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I am saving up for a Bosch mixer, and until then using my Kitchenaid for bread. I also have three pans that were passed down to me from family that i'm using, but they are getting old and needing replacement. Does anyone have a particular pan that they love? Does it matter what kind of pan I get (glass vs. metal, etc)?


Suggestions with links are nice. :)

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I'm a huge fan of stoneware, a la Pampered Chef. Since I started baking everything in stoneware, I've noticed a huge difference--everything bakes evenly, browns beautifully, the whole shebang. I love baking my bread in it!


This is the regular one http://www.pamperedchef.com/our_products/catalog/product.jsp?productId=169&categoryCode=FH, but I am also crazy about the mini loaf pan here http://www.pamperedchef.com/our_products/catalog/product.jsp?productId=3912&categoryCode=FH.


(And in case you can't smell my kitchen from your house, I just made two loaves of Hawaiian bread--the house smells awesome!!!)

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I generally make roundish loaves directly on the baking stone, so no pan.


I don't have suggestions for what to get (though I've heard Chicago pans are good), but I can warn you away from the flexible silicone ones. I have one, and it is too squishy to contain the dough, so it ooges out on the sides, resulting in weirdly deformed loaves.

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I hear Chicago pans are good as well.


I have random glass pans and a metal one my mom gave me. It doesn't seem to matter much.


I also like having a few smaller pans (1/3 or 1/4 the size) for quick breads or small loaves of cinnamon raisin. Turns out perfect for breakfast for two or someone over for coffee.

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I, too, love the stoneware pans. They are great. My favorite for regular, sandwich type bread, though, is the Norpro ones at Pleasant Hill Grain. They are longer and not as wide as the regular pans. They are great for regular, whole wheat loaves.

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I, too, love the stoneware pans. They are great. My favorite for regular, sandwich type bread, though, is the Norpro ones at Pleasant Hill Grain. They are longer and not as wide as the regular pans. They are great for regular, whole wheat loaves.


Which length do you use?





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I'm a huge fan of stoneware, a la Pampered Chef. Since I started baking everything in stoneware, I've noticed a huge difference--everything bakes evenly, browns beautifully, the whole shebang. I love baking my bread in it!


This is the regular one http://www.pamperedchef.com/our_products/catalog/product.jsp?productId=169&categoryCode=FH, but I am also crazy about the mini loaf pan here http://www.pamperedchef.com/our_products/catalog/product.jsp?productId=3912&categoryCode=FH.


(And in case you can't smell my kitchen from your house, I just made two loaves of Hawaiian bread--the house smells awesome!!!)



:iagree: LOVE LOVE LOVE my Pampered Chef pans. I use my loaf pans the most.

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Although I love my King Arthur Flour baking stone for pizza, I prefer my norpro metal pans for baking bread. I have the small ones, but may invest in the longer ones soon.


I used to sell Pampered chef and used to love the stones for making cookies but they got broken in many moves we've done for the military. I bought a new one when we started doing homemade pizza and after having 3 of them shatter in the oven within 6 months time I decided no more PC stones for me. I never did anything you weren't supposed to so I don't know if they had a bad batch of them come through or what, but my KAF stone is much sturdier (although I can't bake anything high fat on it which is fine I like my metal sheet pans for cookies anyway)

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I don't like baking in glass. I have one enamel coated pan that works okay. I used to use aluminum pans but I'm now ditching my aluminum stuff because of leaching concerns. I won't use non-stick because I don't know what they are using in it and concerns with it flaking off over time. Then I tried stainless steel, works okay but I had to lower the rack to get the bottom done. With all of these I would always have a little piece here or there stick to the pan and rip the crust. Didn't matter if I used a little spray or a lot, I would just have random sticking (I don't use shortening because of the hydrogenated stuff in it). Then I tried Pampered chef stoneware. I'm in love. I always get a nicely browned bottom. I don't even need to spray the pan anymore and I never never never ever have any sticking. Now I'm saving up so I can buy 3 more pans since I like to bake 4 loaves at a time.

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