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PJ's vs clothes


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We're another PJ family. We all wear lounge pants/flannel pants and t-shirts for PJs so I'm fine with them staying in them. I hate being uncomfortable in my own house and I'm comfy in my PJs. I also hate shoes so the whole "get dressed to the shoes" thing also drives me crazy. Most times you're lucky if I have socks on my feet.


I've never noticed my kids being any less productive if they are in PJs.

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I don't wear pajamas so I get dressed but I just put on around-the-house clothes, yoga pants or something. I usually don't get a shower until the afternoon since my daycare kids get here pretty early and I am NOT a morning person.


The kids get up at 8:30 and shower, lotion, dressed, eat, meds, brush teeth and school starts at 9:30. However I don't care what they get dressed in. Many times it is the pajamas they will wear that night. We don't wear "good" clothes just staying at home so if they put on clothes it is their "play" clothes. My boys are all so wild and crazy there is no lazy days no matter what they are wearing lol. We don't wear pajamas out of the house though unless they are sick. :) We also do no shoes in the house due to the dust it adds for the asthmatics here so no one, even guests, are ever wearing shoes.

Edited by ds4159
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We are generally going out of the house most days, so have to get dressed at some point. That said, as soon as we're back for any length of time, my younger son likes to put his lounging pants back on because they are more comfortable. I have never noticed a difference in school aptitude based on what he's wearing.

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I get kiddo dressed right off the bat. Very mellow Papa doesn't (M-F). I was so displeased by him leaving baby in PJ all day even to go out, I got all pink stuff at Goodwill ("sorry honey, all they had was pink") so he'd change baby.

:confused: Yes, I lie to my husband. For a good cause.

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depends on the day. We're not militant dressers.


Dh's parents were professionals who changed out of 'day' clothes as soon as they got home. We do the same--and if we never leave home....


My parents dress every day, even to wearing shoes. Yeah....Not.;):001_smile:


School gets done. PJs and all. Some days I get in the shower and then put on a clean pair of PJs.

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Most definitely get fully dressed and clean rooms before we start school. It's training for the rest of their lives, but this is the reason uniforms work at certain jobs and not your regular clothes. You just get into a mind set to work when you have on clothes as opposed to p.j's when you just feel like you are lounging around. :)

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Our "p.j.'s" are pretty much sweats and t-shirts, same as our everyday wear. I'm lucky if I can get DS to put on a clean shirt everyday. DD on the other hand goes through several "outfits" on most days. I do have to agree I feel more productive if I get dressed for the day, but haven't noticed any change in the kids. They fight me every day no matter what's covering (or not covering)their butts!

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