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Well Planned Day Planner


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I used it last year. I bought it because I loved the colors on the page, and the spiral binding. It made me happy to look at it. It made me happy to check off each task as the girls accomplished it. :D I never got around to reading the articles. :001_huh:


I chose not to purchase it again for this year. It became tedious to fill in every day. I believe the sample showed that you would write page numbers in each box. Because we use a variety of materials, it wasn't that simple. In the "English" box, I actually wrote AAS (#), ETC (#), cursive, grammar. To keep it all straight, I had to do this every day. It is probably just me, but if cursive isn't on the list, waiting to be checked off, I might forget it. :tongue_smilie:


For this year, I made up my own sheet. I have all of our texts printed off and just need to add in page numbers. If I don't need to list the page numbers, it is still there to be checked off. It has worked out fine.


The Well Planned Day is REALLY pretty though! :D

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It was so appealing to me that I bought it at the beginning of last semester. But somehow it's not working for me. I really love how pretty it is though. I can't explain why exactly, but I'm having a hard time using it. I'd rather make my own, and I usually do. But for some reason that seemed overwhelming at the end of the summer. I won't buy that planner again. But I know some people really love it.

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I also bought it (a couple of years ago) and didn't fully utilize it. I really liked some of the planning pages, and I thought it was beautifully laid out. I have never done well with this kind of planner, though, so I blamed my own personal issues. Some people live by a planner, and for them this might be a good fit. I use a lesson planner for our weeks and went back to my old faithful after trying this one for that purpose. I don't know what it was about the layout of the weekly calendar...but it just didn't work for me. I'm still very tempted to buy it because I did really enjoy some of the extras it offers, but I likely will not purchase it again.


That being said...I am very interested in the Student Planner and am seriously considering purchasing one of those. Dd would love it, and I think it might be a way to give her some ownership of her day for me to list her daily requirements down each week for her to check off. She's still too young (in my opinion) to write her own schedule, but this might work as a combined planner for the two of us.

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I love pretty planners but I don't use them. I purchased the Well Planned Day Planner last year and really tried to keep it updates but after a few months..........This year I purchased one from SCM website. It's really nice but again, I don't use it. What I do use is a simple lesson planner that you can purchase at Staples for maybe $6.00. I write all the lesson plans in it and appts. too.

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It's the kind of thing I would love to have - and know very well that if I did, I would never use it enough to make it worth spending the money on!


DD11 has her own diary, where she writes down what she needs to do each day, a week in advance. DD9 gets a printed sheet from me with her daily "to do" list. I use Excel for the master schedule and most of my planning; I might start something with pen and paper, but quickly gravitate to the computer to finish it off.

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I LOVE it! If you scroll to the bottom, I did a little review of it: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205595. After almost 5 months of using it, I can't imagine being without it. Last year I was using all the features WPD has, but they were ALL over the place (loose papers for attendance, planner for me, printed blank Excel sheets for school planning,...you get the picture:tongue_smilie:). This gives me all of that in one place with great articles and pretty colors.


If you think you will utilize most of it, I say go for it and you won't regret it. Off to buy the 2011-2012!

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I am so scattered brained. I start off with this wonderful money saving idea to do all of my planning via Excel and Word docs but I end up losing papers, forgetting which file folder I saved what end, etc, etc. I've looked at countless planners but they were all missing vital features. How, the Well Planned Day is the best I've found. It has everything I need and all in one place. I've introduced two of my girlfriends to it and we can't say enough about it. I've even bought the middle school planner for my dd. We'll be ordering next year's planner soon.

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