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Laptops & Notebooks

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For those who've used a laptop/notebook for 6 months or more and love what you have---


Would you recommend it?


Which one do you own?


I'm probably looking to purchase one in the $5-600. range. One of the biggest things I'm wanting is to find one that requires very little to no maintenance. If it's regularly needing repair, I'm not interested.



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I have a HP Pavilion dv9000 that right now is basically an $1100 paperweight.

I had it for the first 5 months no problems...now all it will do is crash. We tried the online HP help site...no help at all. So were taking it to an HP location here in Germany..hopefully they can fix it. I never want another HP product after this. :glare:

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It's over 4 years old now and I still love it. When we were looking for a laptop for dd, we ended up with a Toshiba for her too. We spent more than $600 on each of them, but we wanted to make sure to get the latest and greatest at the time. I know they have some that are in your range. Also consider getting an open box (one that was display or had been returned) from places like Circuit City or Best Buy - you can usually get a good discount and if you are like my dh, you will talk them down more or get them to throw something in for free.

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I just purchased a new HP dv9000. What I really like about it is the number pad on the side. I paid $650 for it at Staples, plus there was a $50 rebate.


However, my children have had different versions of Dell. They have never had any problems with theirs. Dell has an Outlet on their web page, and you can get them VERY inexpensive.

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I'm on my second Dell Inspiron at work, and our desktop computer at home is also a Dell. I highly recommend Dell computers.


We've also had HP and Compaq computers, and I would not recommend either of those. The IT person where I work calls Compaq comcrap. She only buys Dell computers now.

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I had an E Machines laptop for 3.5 years before it crashed. (Actually, it got a virus which was my bad b/c I hadn't updated my virus protection in a while. It still works, but runs really slow now. I took it in for maintenance 2X, and that was only after I'd had it for over a year. I had one key on the keyboard that kept coming off, and they finally just replaced the keyboard. The only thing I didn't like about it was that it got pretty warm.


I now have an HP Pavilion and like everything about it except I'm not crazy about Windows Vista, but that's what all the new non-Mac computers have now. I think it cost about $800 when I bought it, but that was several months ago, so it could be a lot less than that now.


I absolutely *love* having a laptop and would not like to go back to desktop. A couple of suggestions from my experience:


Buy the extended warranty. Normally, an ew is a waste of money, but imo is worth it on a laptop. If you get one that covers the battery, you can get your battery replaced before the ew expires. The cost of the ew is about equal to the cost of a new battery. Also, if the screen on a laptop dies, you have to replace the entire computer, which would be covered by an ew. Plus, most ew cover "accidents"-dropping, spillage, etc., which are more likely with a laptop.


Though not required, I think a fan that sits underneath is a must. You can get the kind that only connects to your computer via usb, or the kind that also must be plugged in. They keep your laptop from getting too warm.


Have fun computer shopping!

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I just bought 2 Dell inspirons 1525s at Best Buy.com for $749. One had to be returned because Windows Vista kept crashing. The "Geek Squad" said this is common. I thought the Inspiron was a great deal.


I would recommend NOT getting Vista. If you get Vista, be sure the laptop has enough Memory (at least 2Ghz) so that it can run. Too little memory is what causes problems w/Vista according to Best Buy. Mine has 3Ghz and still crashed so go figure.


I was very pleased w/Best Buys service. Quick shipping. Excellent customer service, they returned my computer and shipped a new one no questions asked. I assumed they would try to make me get it repaired 1st.

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DH works in computers and the 2 major companies he has worked for, that have had to get new computers have both gotten DELL. We have had nothing but DELL computers ourselves, for over 10 years and have never had any hardware problems. Software, is a whole different issue, as in Vista, or downloading junk onto it. I am on my second DELL laptop and I LOVE it. You can re-furbs from their website. This is what we have done, and DH has also ordered them for friends and family, and we haven't heard of any problems from them. We usually buy from their business line, which I think you can access on their website. DH won't buy anything but DELL.

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I have had an IBM Thinkpad laptop for several years now. It is a tank. Made to survive corporate leases and believe me, it has proven it can. I got mine online from a dealer that sells the refurbished/lease turn ins. It was only a year old or so when I got it, and I paid $500 when laptops were WAY more than now.. Now, it is out of date, but it sure works great for the boys and school work, word processing and such. It runs Windows 2000, which is also a very stable operating system. You could search for a site that resells those corporate leases. They come with a nice warranty too.


I also have a Dell Inspiron 1501. If you buy a dell, be sure to get the extended warranty. It has worked really well, but the keyboard had a key that got loose and made havoc, and the DVD drive failed. Both times, they shipped me the part within 1 day, and arrangd a tech person to call me and walk me through the replacement. Apparantly, they have made these computers now, such that they have easy replacements and no sending in is necessary for those "external" parts! I was amazed I was able to do both those swaps without much trouble.

I wouldn't say this computer has been repair free, and unless you get a good coupon sale it is more than your budget. HOwever, search online for acoupon and like us, we got $400 off! I couldn't believe the deal they offered when I searched for a coupon.


Laptops are notorious for more repairs than desktops, and always more expensive. Make sure you really need one!

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