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My baby girl's FIRST birthday BASH

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What an awesome day!


The weather was sunny and about 85. We had a local indian restaurant cater it and the food was amazing. A local baker did the cake and it was big and pink and surrounded by cupcakes that spelled out her name and it was DE-LISH! There were pink balloons EVERYWHERE. There were tons of people and presents and everyone just lavished attention on my little princess. Even the extended family of Natalie's ahma came! Natalie looked beautiful in her new pink outfit and she had so much fun.


Before we ate I gave a testimony to the group...sort of an abbreviated version of how I wished and prayed for her two years ago on christmas and how God answered the prayer exactly one year later...and this lead to a quiet conversation with one of my friends who has been secretly praying for the chance to adopt a boy. She told me that my story gives her hope and it was so awesome to be able to give God the glory for this day and for my daughter!


It was everything I dreamed my baby girl's first birthday would be and so much more! I feel like the luckiest person alive right now.






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