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Wow, I must be up late.

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Well, I stayed up late wrapping presents, cleaning up boxes and paper scraps, and waiting for DH to fall asleep so I could fill his stocking (oh, and watching a DVRed episode of Glee :D) and I missed my sleep window. I'm going to go in now though, and pray the kids don't wake up in two hours to open presents!


I hope you're feeling better soon :grouphug:

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I'm up!! 2:40 here. I've just finished making stuff for tomorrow (2 pies, 3 doz deviled eggs, &dip) plus wrapping the gifts for people. The sad thing is: we are broke, I don't know where the gifts came from, they sort of came out of the woodwork and multiplied!!!


I'm sorry you are in pain!! I've been there many times (and the pills sometimes make life worse--it can be a real toss to have the effects of the pain pill vs the pain!!


I hope it gets better and you get some sleep!



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It is morning now, but I was up all night due to the neighbors loud music. I was determined to not call the police with it being Christmas and all but I finally gave in at 4:30am. Then, a car sped off, they turned down the music, so I called back and cancelled the request for an officer to visit. 10 minutes later....they turned it back up. I wasn't going to call the police again, so her I sit w/ about 1 hour of bad sleep. :0( What a way to start Christmas!


DD4 and dd12 have been up since then too, simply due to the loud thump, thump, thump through the walls......and no we don't share a wall....it is a house next door. The will turn the music up sooooo loud that they can't even hear you ring the door bell.

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I was up until just before 2 AM, after DH woke me up at 11PM because they had to head to the hospital WAAAY out on the other side of the valley because DW#2's mom was being rushed there with chest pains. They called less than an hour later and it turns out she wasn't having a heart attack, which is good. It was still a scary night and the gift from FIL ($150 cash) seems to have gone into the gas tank. I wish they'd stop gifting us cash, no matter how badly we need it, it's just not, well, gift-y, y'know?


Then I woke up at 6 and made muffins. DD woke up about half an hour later, being quite anxious because I won't let her open any gifts until everyone's up; I'm not sure how late DSS's were up, they were still up when I went to bed.

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