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Looking for WWII fiction for ds11

Night Elf

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My ds11 is not a fiction reader. He prefers encyclopedia type books. We are trying to broaden his reading and we are looking for secular stories that take place in WWII with the war as a background, not necessarily the main focus. We would greatly appreciate recommendations!

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These are from Sonlight:


The Endless Steppe - Hautzig SL6 (Russia WW II) This one is heartbreaking.


Snow Treasure - McSwigan SL6 (WW II) Chilren rescue gold form Nazis


Number the Stars - Lowry SL6 (WW II) Family helps Jews escape


Escape from Warsaw - Serraillier SL6 (WW II)


Farewell to Manzanar - Houston SL7 (WW II Japanese internment camp) American Japanese family goes to the camps--little known segment of history


Hope this helps.

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Mary Norton's The Magic Bed Knob; or, How to Become a Witch in Ten Easy Lessons and Bonfires and Broomsticks might fit the bill, although they might also bore an 11 year old boy to tears. Further, I don't know if they're still in print. Like Lewis' Narnia books they involve British children sent into rural England during the Blitz. The movie Bedknobs & Broomsticks was based on these books.


I recall reading books like Guadalcanal Diaries, and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich at that age, although both are non-fiction, and I was a very precocious boy.


I recall that The Bridge Over the River Kwai is a novel, but based on actual events during the war. But it, too, might be advanced for your ds11.


Perhaps a card catalog search (boy will that date me) of the local library under Fiction and WWII?


Sorry I'm not of more help.

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Oh thank you! These are great to get started with. And may I say I'm totally delighted to hear Bedknobs and Broomsticks is based on a book series. I just didn't know that and it's one of my favorite Disney movies! I'm definitely going to track those down even if no one else wants to read them. :)

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My son LOVED this series. http://www.amazon.com/Scramble-Tales-RAF-Book-Patterson/dp/1929031009/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1209162055&sr=8-13 Ren Learning had it at 6th grade level but I think that is only b/c of the content, it's an easier read than that. they are out of print so you have to buy them used.



I got them all used, and DS loved them. He also really enjoyed Number the Stars, My Friend My Enemy, Snow Treasure,


Okay, drawing a blank now. I know there were others, but can't think of the titles. He is very interested in WW2, so we've spent a lot of time reading on it.

Michelle T

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We're reading Escape from Warsaw right now. (It was originally titled "The Silver Sword".) It is about a family of children who travel to Warsaw near the end of WWII to find their parents. The tone is just right for my slightly sensitive ten year old. It's serious, but not dreadful. He wouldn't be ready for Anne Frank, for example.

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