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WWYD re: salon ruining shirt

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Accidents happen. I mean, yes, it sounds like a big accident from the way you've described it, but even if it had just been a few drips (which, IMO, is to be expected when you get your hair done) your nice shirt still would have been ruined. I would chalk it up to experience and make sure to wear a shirt that I'm less attached to the next time I got my hair done.


Sorry your shirt got ruined. :grouphug:

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I'd stop by the salon, with the shirt in hand, and pics (include a pic with the label), and a short letter requesting reimbursement of the cost of the shirt. Leave the letter with pics (and show them the actual shirt if the lady is actually there). . . and wait for a check.


I'd expect full reimbursement and an apology.

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I'd call to find out when a manager or owner was going to be in. Then I'd stop in with the shirt while she was there. And I would ask if I could speak with her and then I'd tell her (in a very polite manner- you know, honey, not vinegar) that you hate to get anybody in trouble but you wanted to tell her about an experience you had there recently and I'd show her the discolored shirt and explain what had happened... if there customer service is even remotely decent, she will apologize and either offer to reimburse you or will give you a gift certificate to use at her store for free services in the future.

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I'd call to find out when a manager or owner was going to be in. Then I'd stop in with the shirt while she was there. And I would ask if I could speak with her and then I'd tell her (in a very polite manner- you know, honey, not vinegar) that you hate to get anybody in trouble but you wanted to tell her about an experience you had there recently and I'd show her the discolored shirt and explain what had happened... if there customer service is even remotely decent, she will apologize and either offer to reimburse you or will give you a gift certificate to use at her store for free services in the future.


This is what I'd do. I'd actually feel really badly about it and would probably only do it if I felt like I needed to have the shirt replaced (for instance- would I replace it if I had ruined it myself?). And I'd probably wait til after Christmas. Especially since she has kids.


I'm not saying you should do what I would do or that what I would do is right....it's just what I would do.

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A lot depends on how much you like or dislike the results of the hair treatment. If you are really pleased with the results and want to go back, I'd chalk it up to a lesson learned and next time wear something old that you don't care about. If you don't plan on going back then I'd have a talk with the stylist about what can be done about the shirt.

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I think you are feeling badly about more than the shirt. It sounds like you were disappointed with the whole "treatment," the whole experience was negative for you -- the messiness, being cold, wanting it over with quickly. And quite frankly, I don't blame you for feeling this way.


A salon ought to be a place to be pampered. Granted, I never go to one, LOL, but if I did, I would expect the red carpet treatment. ;)


What another poster suggested is the course of action I would take: Call to find out when a manager/owner will be there, then come by with your shirt, a written explanation of your experience/complaint, and request for reimbursement for your shirt and/or perm costs (unless you are satisfied with the results of the perm). Hope it works out for you.

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:confused: Wow, that doesn't sound like a pleasant experience at all.


The place I had my hair colored when I lived in CO used to give me a head massage, a glass of wine to drink, a trashy magazine to read and a foot soak and then a parafin treatment for my hands while I was waiting....all that and the color was not a lot more expensive than what I would normally pay elsewhere. When you are paying that kind of money, you deserve more than what you got :grouphug:



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I am concerned about having to watch what I wear. The top of my jeans were wet as was the inside of my jacket I was sitting on. I'm not as concerned with those because my shirt covers my waistband and the jacket was only wet on the inside.


I don't think it's even about the shirt as much as how messy she was with the solutions. She used 4 bottles on my head, 2 of each. I literally sat there catching it running down my face and the apron. I had to hold a towel over my eyes while she squirted the rods, which I have never been asked to do before. I definitely didn't feel pampered! It was an odd experience.



:iagree:And that is why I would call to find out when a manager or owner will be present, then stop by to request a refund for my perm, along with reimbursement for my ruined clothing.


She was seemingly in a very bad mood -- or she's just normally that way? -- and you got the brunt of it. :tongue_smilie:

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