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Singapore as a stand alone math program

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We have been using two complete math programs, CLE and Singapore Primary Mathematics. We started out with CLE and when we discovered Singapore we started using it as a supplement and to review and reinforce what we were learning with CLE.


Does anyone use Singapore as a stand alone math curriculum? If I went only to Singapore, would I need to add any of the extra workbooks? We are already doing the CWP.


Is the diversity of using two programs a good thing? The children really like both programs and think nothing of doing two math lessons a day.


Mainly, I was thinking of reducing my workload and freeing up some time for us to study other things.


Melinda S in TX

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Does anyone use Singapore as a stand alone math curriculum? If I went only to Singapore, would I need to add any of the extra workbooks? We are already doing the CWP.
DD uses Singapore and supplements with Primary Challenge Math (this is designed to be a supplement and is not a full fledged curriculum). You're fine with just the workbook, text, and CWP. If your child is math adept, I'd recommend the Intensive Practice books. If your child needs extra help, there are Extra Practice books available.
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Does anyone use Singapore as a stand alone math curriculum?


My daughter, Daisy does. She really likes the set up of Singapore and is in the 4B book right now. Until this year we have only gotten the text, workbook, and teacher's guide. But, this year she really needed extra practice so I got the Extra Practice book. I thought I had also ordered the Challenging Word Problems book for her level, but didn't. Next year she'll be doing 5A and 5B with the Extra Practice and Challenging Word Problems workbooks.

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Does anyone use Singapore as a stand alone math curriculum? If I went only to Singapore, would I need to add any of the extra workbooks? We are already doing the CWP.


We do, through PM 6. We use the text and workbook. Then at the end of each topic section, go to Intensive Practice for that topic. Then back to the text for the next topic. We use CWP at least half a level behind, sometimes more.


Is the diversity of using two programs a good thing? The children really like both programs and think nothing of doing two math lessons a day.


This can be a great thing, though we don't do this at the PM levels. I am doing this with my son who is doing high school geometry using both Singapore' NEM and Life of Fred. It does take more time for both student and mom.


Mainly, I was thinking of reducing my workload and freeing up some time for us to study other things.


This can be a great thing, too. :) Singapore is a complete curriculum. You will hear that it doesn't cover this or that, comparisons to spiral curricula or whatnot. We have not found that to be a problem, and we have a future mathematician and a future dunno-what using Singapore curriculum. So I think you would be fine with only Singapore if that helps with the rest of your life. :)



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and I do mainly use Singapore Math. I did add the CWP just because it causes the student to apply what they learn. As for drill (an area where Singapore is weak,) some children need drill, some don't. But we all do need to be able to come up with math facts quickly in real life, so I do have my dc use the Calculadders (but not everyday.)


God Bless,


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We use Singapore exclusively. I find that if ds needs more work in a section, I just make up my own problems on a piece of paper. Works just fine. We do daily drill with Flashmaster. It takes us 30 minutes a day to do the work. It could probably go faster, but ds either talks alot or gets spacy. We're on 3A right now.


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For the last five years, I have mainly used Singapore (with their IP and WC). I did bring in Key to's and Life of Fred for fractions as extras when dd12 was having some problems really understanding the concept. She got percents and decimals just fine.. go figure? The only thing I think you would need to add is drill (if your child needed more) and calendar work for the PM levels. It's my second time through with dd7 and I like the series even more.

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I started with my older son in Singapore math in 2A. He has loved this program to this day. He is in 5B this year. He has done well with it so far. He understands the math pretty well. I think that I will get Intensive Practice or Extra Practice next year because the stuff is getting harder. He is doing outstanding with decimals, but I still want to work with him on other stuff.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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I use Singapore as a stand alone program for my oldest. Most of the time she just works through the workbooks because she picks the concepts up easily. But every once in a while we take some time to work through the text to make sure she has the concept down before letting her loose with the workbook.


For my youngest, who is having trouble with math we are still using Singapore but I am using Rod and Staff as well to give her extra practice with concepts.


Basically, Singapore is very adaptable and you can use as much or as little as you need to. It can stand alone, reinforce, challenge or be the main teaching source.



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My son did Singapore with the text and workbook for two years and it worked very well for him. I didn't see a need for any added components with the exception of some drill in multiplication, which seems to be the norm with any program. I switched him to Teaching Textbooks to give myself more time to work with everyone, but I truly liked using Singapore.


Kim O.

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So far I have reviewed books 1A,1B and 2A. I love the intensive practice workbooks and the extra practice ones are useful for more practice. I will get the kids to start using notebooks to solve the problems in from the intensive and extra practice books so I don't ave to buy them again year after year (I have 5 kids so far). I also want to get the Challenging word problems. With all this we won't need extra mind benders ect.


I think with all of the extra books Singapore must be good enough. I can't imagine wanting to do more.

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