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M in Canada

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Everything posted by M in Canada

  1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?s...npfn1eb028xtek'>http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?s...npfn1eb028xtek'>http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?s...npfn1eb028xtek'>http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?s...npfn1eb028xtek I have been homeschooling for about 5 years now. I can live with the pace, but I wonder if what I am doing is over kill? I have read and re-read books, posts, articles and do not know why it seems I work hard all day doing everything a mom has to with the little ones and the house, and then also the homeschool stuff on top of that. At the end of the day most things are done, but my children did not get to play as much outside as I would have liked except for days when that is scheduled. Once sport classes start that will be cut down even more. The first day of school, the girls did not have time to read their english fiction, but the second day it was fit in. Maybe things are improving? So to make a long story short, if anybody has any input on my schedule please give it. It may be viewed here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?s...npfn1eb028xtek I have 6 children ranging from 9 to 3 months. The older two are in the same grade (4) in all subjects (except math) and the third girl has just started "official" grade one. My little 4 yo son has time scheduled with me, but if he is playing well I don't bother calling him away from that.
  2. Here is the more understandable version of my schedule: http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?s...npfn1eb028xtek If you have more input I would appreciate it. I don't understand how others have similar schedules and get done before noon. You should see the Ambleside schedules!!!
  3. I have reworked my schedule so others can actually (hopefully understand it now). Please take a look and let me know what you think. http://www.scribd.com/doc/36783680?secret_password=1rbonlnpfn1eb028xtek I find my days REALLY full. Fun, but FULL. I do have six kids (9 dd, 8 dd, 6 dd, 4 ds, 2 ds, 3 mo. ds). SO perhaps it is to be expected, but we have NEVER been done before 4:00. If somebody is done their work they can go outside till it is time for the next scheduled lesson with me. Often they will go outside before supper fand then get called in once I have supper on the stove for the last session. I have only been working with this new schedule for three days, but I thought I'd see if it seemed ridiculously full to the outside eyes.
  4. Hi, I have been homeschooling for about 5 years now. I can live with the pace, but I wonder if what I am doing is over kill? I have read and re-read books, posts, articles and do not know why it seems I work hard all day doing everything a mom has to with the little ones and the house, and then also the homeschool stuff on top of that. At the end of the day most things are done, but my children did not get to play as much outside as I would have liked except for days when that is scheduled. Once sport classes start that will be cut down even more. The first day of school, the girls did not have time to read their english fiction, but the second day it was fit in. Maybe things are improving? So to make a long story short, if anybody has any input on my schedule please give it. It may be viewed here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/36715831?secret_password=2lvpjqmeyifgabe182sk I have 6 children ranging from 9 to 3 months. The older two are in the same grade (4) in all subjects (except math) and the third girl has just started "official" grade one. My little 4 yo son has time scheduled with me, but if he is playing well I don't bother calling him away from that. The schedule has no times attached. I estimated times for about 10 to 30 minutes per subject, but I never found entering times to be helpful. I may be wrong in this. All my subjects are pre planned and the books are always readily available with no searching for what we are supposed to do at any point. All the aqua and green sections in the schedule require my presence (of course morning prayer does too!). SO if I am not available because of some pee, poo or other issue then I ask the grade 4 girls to work on their other work that can be done without me. Thanks
  5. She is American and moved to the states recently. I think she follows classical homeschooling, has three or four daughters and had some really helpful schedules and advice on her blog. It has been so long and I forgot her blog's name.
  6. Interesting how many people combine Miquon and Singapore. I used Miquon to supplement MCP math, a simple math program that just covers the basics. I found Miquon was great to add to the basics and create opportunities for in depth critical thinking. Then I found Singapore and saw that together with the Intensive Problems it does what I trying to do by combining Miquon and MCP. Now I mostly use Singapore as it is easier to just stick to one book and not have to search out what comes next in Miquon. I want the kids to be able to do their work on their own and not have to say anything other than do the next exercise set and read the next section in the textbook please. I assign IP problems intermittently when easier topics come up or at the end of a workbook to finish the corresponding IP.
  7. Yes, We do reading, writing and math every day. Is that enough? Does it get easier to get more done as they get older? Most of my frustration stems from thinking I have to get this done and do the next thing and time is running out and will they get outside to play? I do apologize and work on my temper. I think it flairs up once a day at least though. The money thing is more of an issue if it actually stops coming in. If my husband doesn't get another job after he is done the one he is working on now then I will have to do something. Our landlord is ready to help us, but I don't think he would do it if we don't do everything possible to make an income. I don't think I can make an income and homeschool and take care of the little ones. But of course that is in the future and I can't do anything when it is all still in "what if?" stage.
  8. Almost everyday I am leaving out one or two things that I have scheduled. I barely make those up during the week. Science, history, and the school board's version of social are severely lacking. Should I give up? Sign them up to the best school in the area and decide this is God's way of showing me I should just start to try and work and augment our pitiful income? We will be moving closer to the only school I would feel remotely comfortable sending them to. I think they will take them for free; we obviously can't afford to even keep our house. I love being with them and the good moments. But I hate the times I yell in frustration and say "Why don't you think?" I have even said " Are you stupid? " I hate that. DO they not deserve better than a frustrated worried mom who is not disciplined enough to give them the education they deserve? Please help.
  9. Hi, I second the posters who talk about eating healthy. Artificial sweetners and foods with the fats take out of them are unhealthy. The first are akin to poison and taking the fats out takes the nutrients out. I would avoid any weight loss program that does not advocate healthy eating. AMong my friends there have been a few who have discoverd food sensitivities and then when they treated them by avoiding wheat, sugar or whatever they were to avoid they started loosing excess pounds automatically. There are some good books about food that I would recomend: Nourishing Traditions, Breaking the Vicious Cycle..I am sure you can find more that talk about food. Last but not least I have heard of a spirituality centered weight loss program that seeems to make sense with portion control or with controling what you eat. Take a look and then se if there is one in your area or if you can get the materials to start one: http://www.lightweigh.com/
  10. As Peter was speaking about whether or not I knew his friend Laura who lives in China I remembered your name right away!!
  11. Hey, I met a friend of yours who had asked me if I had heard of you when he found out that I homeschooled. Small world huh? That is just to explain my next question: Can you please say hi to Peter and ask him if he could send me the pics he took of the wedding in Calgary? Thanks!!
  12. Edward's Lear's nonsense verse with good pictures. A.A. Milne's poem's Now we are six etc.
  13. Singapore does not just dwell on the math "facts". I found that the intensive word problems and even the workbook exercises looked at problems that made you really think about why and how you get the right answer. It is hard to tell from the information that you give why Singapore would not be a good fit. If he knows the facts then skip the problems that hammer the facts home. DO the fun problems that exercise the facts.
  14. If money is not a problem maybe using a different curriculum would be better for the review. Note it is a review rather than a FAILURE=REPEAT. I found the Intensive word problems to be very good, but not good for a review of concepts. They use the concepts covered, but in a different way.
  15. Elaine's idea is a good one: she who teaches learns. ALso she will feel good about herself because she is helping. ...everyone will be happy. What a great opportunity!!! M.
  16. I have been schooling for about three years now and I do pick up Laura's book at least three or four times a year. I like her voice. I like the way she focuses on quality versus quantity. I also consider her to be very reliable as I think she did send many of her children to Thomas Aquinas, an excellent Liberal Arts college. So she does have high standards even though she recomemnd shorter school days than most.
  17. Yepp, those two things you mentioned did resonate with me. But I have to admit that outside of school hours I always multitask. I listen to books and talks on tape...I also read when I brush my teeth, go to the bathroom, wait in the car, go to the park....
  18. Reading out loud takes practice.
  19. I have posted a number of questions on this topic and thought about the responses for a while. Then I found a solution and used it a few times in the last few weeks. Each time I used the SOLUTION I had a good day. This is it: NO MULTITASKING during school hours. Only things like diapers, helping little ones etc. are allowed. Those are the sort of things that are really important. But no laundry, no kitchen work, no cleaning, mending etc. It is too simple I know. But it took me about two years to discover it.
  20. Yes school funding is a wonderful thing. I could do this without funding, but I would do it very differently. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but I just trust and use what I am given. I will buy a piano soon and that will really cut into my budget and I will run a very tight ship in those two or three years.
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