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Anybody else just LOVE their church?

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I love reading about all of your churches!!!! It makes my heart happy!



:grouphug::grouphug:YOU are a DOLL!!!:grouphug::grouphug:


So are you. You are a precious friend to me. :grouphug:


How happy for y'all; how sad a contrast for me! I absolutely cringe each week thinking of church. It's local, some people smile at me. I really like the pastor; he's very friendly. His sermons make my heart cry; they are so far from what I believe is Biblical. There are stories upon stories with some verses. Again, he is such a sweet sincere man, but perhaps it's the world's teachings of what sermons should be. Much like the difference between public education and a Christian Classical Education. It's sad, truly sad. We've tried every church around us, that fits with our Theological beliefs. I. have ....ALMOST... given up! Not on God, just on finding a church that I look forward to going to...



Wow, I'm so sorry. I hope and pray you find the place where God wants you to be.


Well it must be an NC thing....:D We LOVED our church in NC very much and we miss it terribly.


NC misses you!! Come back, and this time, you have to come see me in Maggie Valley! :D

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I love my church too. I've been going there for about 25 years. We live in a transient area - lots of military - so folks come and go, but there are a lot of people there still that I met the first Sunday I attended.


Our children have grown up together (Ds23 recently got married to one of my best friend's daughters - we had pictures at the wedding of the two of them together when they were 7 and 4 years old :)). I've had the same pastor all those years - he married dh and me in June of '86 and married my son and his wife this past June.


It is a small Baptist church with about 40-50 families - most homeschool and most have lots of children. Going to church every Sunday is the highlight of my week.


What I do love about my church is that my kids love it, and they are being well shepherded in their activities there.


Now that I have three teenagers, I am enjoying getting to know all the youth and their families (we've been there almost 1 1/2 years now). I keep thinking one of these sweet little gals might end up being my daughter-in-law!

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How happy for y'all; how sad a contrast for me! I absolutely cringe each week thinking of church. It's local, some people smile at me. I really like the pastor; he's very friendly. His sermons make my heart cry; they are so far from what I believe is Biblical. There are stories upon stories with some verses. Again, he is such a sweet sincere man, but perhaps it's the world's teachings of what sermons should be. Much like the difference between public education and a Christian Classical Education. It's sad, truly sad. We've tried every church around us, that fits with our Theological beliefs. I. have ....ALMOST... given up! Not on God, just on finding a church that I look forward to going to...



My mom retired to a very small town and she was having a very difficult finding a church where she felt she was "home". She went to other churches in the area for a couple of years, but it was just never a good fit. She never felt like she could put down roots for one reason or another. The answer for her was a home church. It actually started in her home and now they've grown big enough that they rent a space and meet there. There's something like 30 people now and everyone of them is like family to her. They all gathered around her and took care of her when she was going through her breast cancer treatments and they love each other so much.


It's just something to think about in any case. I think sometimes a person has to think outside of the building to find the church, kwim? I pray you can find a good church home. Good luck to you dear. :grouphug:

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What a great thread!


I love my church!


My husband and I searched for a church for a long time, throughout the first 7 years of our marriage. Nothing was quite the right fit, although they each had their own good qualities.


Finally, not to burden you with the whole long story (because I can be a bit long-winded about it! haha), we joined the LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints aka Mormon) two years ago. Neither of us had friends or family in that church, and not to get into the whole story but it really was an answer to my prayers. Literally. Its not the answer I expected, being raised in a church that was anti-LDS. However, I went into it with and open heart.


Now I can't describe enough how much its changed our family,and my husband, positively. I don't feel so scared and lost when it comes to raising my five boys! We have the gospel in our lives to help us now. :)


Also, I just feel it when I walk in the building or go to events or activities at church or with church friends...the love is all around us and they truly feel like family. :)


Hey, welcome to they church family! It's been a strength in my life too. :grouphug:

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So nice to hear about ppl finding churches they love! DH and I attended a church back home that we loved because the pastor was truly meant to lead a church. He preached what the Bible says, not adding to it worldly views or opinions that have become popular. Since then, we have yet to find a church that is truly Biblical w/o being soft or just giving us a Sunday full of stories with a Bible verse thrown in. We want a church that is deep! I want to know what God commands of me. I want to grow in my walk. So many churches we have tried are about being OK with where you are and not being concerned with the hard things in the Bible.


Anywho...............we have yet to find a church and I often dread even going to try one out-that is horrible I know.

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DH and I have been in our church for nearly 25 years. We love it, obviously. It's non-denom/Word of Faith with really strong preaching, great worship, and a contemporary style. And awesome children's ministry. I would have to drive pretty far to find another church that I would love even half as much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We really do, too. We became eastern Orthodox last year after a journey through Baptist, Foursquare, Vineyard, Word of Faith, Christian and Missionary Alliance and independent/non-denominational churches. What I love: the personal sin struggles I've had for *years* are being addressed and healed; I'm learning not to be concerned about anyone else's faith/place/actions (that's a toughy!); it has a liturgical and festal cycle, and sacraments, that teach us about the life of the Church through Christ; the Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ in us -- no symbolism; it has roots!! (we'd never had that before, going mostly to churches where the denomination/movement began in the last 100 years or so); we're beginning to find our lives becoming centered in the life of the church; AND the potlucks rock (well, they do). Oh, and you can't beat the Pascha (Resurrection) celebration. :001_smile:

What a good question, Nakia.


Milovany, I just watched that clip again, and it reminded me of how much I love the Paschal service. Although I'm always hoping we don't cause a car accident by people stopping to watch us process around the church! :D

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Guest RecumbentHeart

We've been at our church for over 3 years now after a difficult separation from a small cult (sounds more dramatic than it was) and we immediately fell in love. The leaders are committed to preaching the pure Word of God and pleasing God rather than men. The fruit of the Spirit is evident and we have grown so dramatically in sanctification under the ministry there. The place we use to attend taught the philosophies of men rather than the simple truth of Scripture and as such enslaving sin and broken and miserable lives/marriages were the norm there. I can still fall to my knees in tears when I think of what mercy God showed us in delivering us from where we were to where we are now. All I have to do is consider my marriage and my children and I erupt in thankfulness.

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I love our church, which is a little surprising to me since we've only been here for six months. They have taken us in with great love and are quickly becoming "family."


We loved our last church, too. We are conservative Lutherans (Missouri Synod... http://www.lcms.org/ ) We've moved around a lot during our marriage and have been so blessed by the various congregations.


The sermons always show us our Savior, the only Hope for life (and eternity). The people in our Bible studies pray for each other and grow closer than many families. People are always doing things for other people and it is a joy to see! No, no church is perfect, but I see so much evidence of love among the people and I know it must bring joy to God!


This church is one where most people are related to others in the church, yet they continually welcome non-relatives and fold us into the flock without question.


I hope everyone here finds a Christian church where God's Word is taught in its truth and purity and they can grow and where they can feel part of the family of God.

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I cannot tell you how much I love my church. It is a non-denominational church, and we came from a Church of God, so very different. We have been attending for about 14 months and members for about 8 months. It is a medium sized church, at least for this area. There are so many community programs and areas of ministry. The children's program is amazing. It is very much a "come as you are" church, and the people there are so authentic and just real. There is no shame or condemnation, just love and grace and Jesus.


I could go on all day about it, but I won't. ;)


If you love your church, tell us about it!


Your church sounds exactly like our church.

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